Tysons Fitness Tips is a podcast created to help you learn how to lose stubborn belly fat and keep it off forever.Tyson shares with you simple tips that you can implement into your life immediately with proven steps that have worked for himself and his clients.He also interviews experts from all over the world who share with you their tried and tested methods when it comes to training, diet, mindset, sleep, stress management and so much more
Episode #89- How To Create A Kickass Workout Program
31/07/2018 Duration: 22minWriting your own workout program doesn't have to be that hard. There are a few basic things that you must think about when it comes to creating a routine and I will share them all with you in this podcast. Whether you want to train 3 days a week or 7 days a week you will have the power to create your own following these simple methods. Download your free chapter of my new book "Ditch The Diet" by going to
Episode #88 - The Secret To A Lean Body Begins In The Mind with Blake Worral-Thompson
25/07/2018 Duration: 33minIf you want to achieve long-term results and keep the stubborn belly fat off then you need to begin by working on your mindset instead of just training in the gym. This is because the mind is much more powerful than you think. Blake and Tyson sit down and discuss why working on your mindset for long-term change is so important and it needs to be addressed from the get-go if you want to achieve long-term results. During the podcast, the boys discuss how you can start taking action and changing your mindset to set yourself up for long-term success with your fitness and keep the results you achieve. They also discuss the four quadrants that you must know in order to start the journey towards change.
Episode #87 - The Cold Hard Truth About Keto
23/07/2018 Duration: 07minKeto is a fad that seems to be flooding the market at the moment and it's being seen as the magic tool for fat loss. The truth of the matter is that keto isn't as special as it's made out to be and there's a little bit of truth as to why it's so effective to help people with weight loss. In this episode, I will share with you why it works. Download your free chapter of my new book "Ditch The Diet" by going to
Episode #86 - Taking Care Of Your Health While Being A Busy Parent with Alex Vanhouten
18/07/2018 Duration: 37minTaking care of your health and fitness can be a problem when you have kids, but just because it's a problem doesn't mean it's impossible. Tyson is joined by Alex Vanhouten; who's a dad and personal trainer and they discuss how you can still keep fit when you have a kid. Tyson and Alex go over simple strategies and plans you can follow in order to maintain or even gain muscle while chasing after the rascals. While this can be a struggle at times, following the principles that the boys outline means you're going to be able to get the best of both worlds and not give up your health and fitness.
Episode #85 - Why You Must Know What Your Trigger Foods Are!
16/07/2018 Duration: 07minThere are certain foods that you shouldn't keep in your house. These foods are what cause you to overeat, feel guilty and stop you from losing weight. Identify what these 'trigger' foods are and THROW THEM AWAY. Don't buy them, don't "save them" GET RID OF THEM NOW. There is no shame in admitting that you can't be around a certain food because you will binge eat it. That's called self-awareness and self-awareness is a very important skill to have. There's a reason I don't keep Nutella in my house, it's because (as you've seen before) I'll eat an entire jar without batting an eyelid. So I don't buy it, plain and simple. Download your free chapter of my new book "Ditch The Diet" by going to
Epsiode #84 - Dynamic Duo Don't Make This Mistakes
11/07/2018 Duration: 35minThere are a lot of mistakes that you can make when first starting out on your fitness journey. Things you want to avoid and overcome so you don't fall off the bandwagon and then have trouble getting back on. The Dynamic Duo discusses with Tyson how to avoid common mistakes and overcome them with simple tricks and tips that they use for themselves and with their clients.
Episode #83 - What Type Of Eating Style Should You Follow?
09/07/2018 Duration: 09minThere are so many different recommendations that you're told to follow when it comes to diet. Some people fall into the camp of clean food only and then there's the camp of IIFYM which means you can eat whatever you want whenever you want and you will lose weight. While that might be right it doesn't mean that following that approach is "healthy for your body". You should not fully restrict yourself from the foods you enjoy but you should not be eating whatever you want as long as it fits under your calories. In this episode, you will learn how to follow a more sustainable approach to weight loss while still enjoying the foods you want.
Episode #82 - Your Simple Macronutrient Guide
04/07/2018 Duration: 19minIn the previous podcast, you were taught how to figure out the number of calories you need in order to lose weight. Now it's time to discover what those calories should be made up of. There are three different macronutrients which are Protein, Fats and Carbs and the order of importance is discussed in the podcast. Once you begin to take control of how much you're eating and the macronutrients those calories are made of you're going to be on the fast track to losing weight and keeping it off for good!
Episode #81 - Your Simple Weight Loss Formula
02/07/2018 Duration: 09minThere are so many weight loss calculators out there that tell you how much food to eat and they can seem to give a lot of different answers. This can be confusing for you if you're trying to figure out which one to follow. The other problem with these formulas is that they don't tell you how to figure out for yourself which means you have to keep going back time and time again. You're going to learn an easy to use formula to follow that isn't going to take a lot of brain power and that you can use over and over again to figure out how much food you need to eat to lose weight.
Episode #80 - Ben Greenfield: Biohacking Your Body
27/06/2018 Duration: 41minBen Greenfield is a master at getting the best from your body in terms of losing stubborn fat, living longer, building lean muscle and the whole range of health and fitness. In the episode, Tyson digs deep into Ben's Brain to discover the top hacks Ben recommends to stay fit, healthy and lean all year round!
Episode #79 - Should You Exercise Daily?
25/06/2018 Duration: 09minHave you been told that you should not be training every single day because you're going to overtrain, because you're going to burn yourself out, it's not healthy or you're gonna lose muscle gains? There are so many people out there telling you that you shouldn't be exercising, but that is complete bullshit. There are a fair few reasons that you should be exercising daily but before you learn why, let's cover all the bullshit claims that people make. In this episode, Tyson makes some very important points as to why you should be exercising daily.
Making Intermittent Fasting Successful (My Interview With GSMC)
20/06/2018 Duration: 21minIntermittent Fasting has become such a powerful tool for losing fat and keeping it off which is why Tyson is such a big advocate of it. Since 2010 Tyson has been teaching and preaching the benefits of intermittent fasting and has been trying to reach more people with his message. GSMC decided to bring Tyson on the show so they could discuss how to follow intermittent fasting effortlessly and more importantly make your weight loss permanent. They discuss what foods are going to be best based around your goals, how you can choose the best type of fasting to suit you needs and why Tyson does one 24 hour fast a week which goes against the conventional wisdom of staying at the 16 hour window. On this episode of Tyson’s Fitness Tips, Tyson gets Interviewed by Pete Weintraub. Download this episode of Tyson’s Fitness Tips to see how you can take action to becoming the boss of your body today! Key Points How To Start Intermittent Fasting Why I love Intermittent Fasting Different Types of fasting people can fo
Episode #76 - Zach Even-esh: Your Mindset Is Everything
13/06/2018 Duration: 42minSummary The mind is such a powerful tool and it is the glue that holds everything together. Whether you’re trying to lose stubborn belly fat, gain lean muscle, start a business or try any other accomplishment in life, if you’re not in the right headspace you have no chance to getting results. Tyson and Zach discuss what Zach did to develop and grow his mindset in his years early years growing up to become the successful gym owner/coach/athlete that we all know he is today. For years Zach has been reading books, attending seminars and most importantly putting himself in the right environment so he be be around other successful people that would lift him up and give him the push. On this episode of Tyson’s Fitness Tips we are is joined by underground Strength Coach Zach Even-Esh. Download this episode of Tyson’s Fitness Tips to see how you can take action to becoming the boss of your body today! Key Points The Importance Of Mindset How to develop mental toughness Your environment is everything Lin
Episode #75 - Super Simple Healthy Snacks
11/06/2018 Duration: 09minIf you're a busy worker and you're constantly travelling then it can be a major struggle to make sure you're eating the right types of food during the day. It can be so tempting for you to pick up a burger and fries on the way home or choose a pie from the local gas station. Instead of making bad choices, I created this podcast episode to help you escape from the feeling of being stuck and provide you with some super healthy, simple snacks that you can eat anywhere at any time.
Episode #74 - Eric Bach: Simple Makes You Sexy
06/06/2018 Duration: 39minWhen it comes to losing fat there are a million different diets that will tell you their way is the only way to do it. The same thing is said about “fat burning workouts”. If there was only one surefire way for a diet or an exercise routine then everyone would be doing it however, that’s not the case. What will get you the best results isn’t a diet hack or some weight loss fad, what’s going to get you results is keeping your nutrition and your workout routine as simple as possible because simple will make you sexy. Staying busy, Intermittent Fasting and Preparing ahead of time are some of the things that Eric covers in this episode and while you may have heard these things before, the question is are you actually following them?
Episode #73 - How To Give Your Coffee More Of A Kick
04/06/2018 Duration: 07minCoffee is one of the best tasting superfoods on the earth. The reason I call it a superfood is because it allows you to have superhuman powers. You have more energy, you feel great, if you drink a lot of it you start seeing sounds and a whole lot more benefits seem to come from coffee, even some health benefits believe it or not. The problem is that some people don't like to drink their coffee just black and need something to enhance the flavour, especially if they want to keep away hunger signals while fasting. In this episode, Tyson shares simple strategies to help make your coffee taste that little bit better while still being in a fasted state.
Episode #72 - My First Interview
30/05/2018 Duration: 36minHaving a chance to be an interviewee on a podcast as opposed to an interviewer was a big deal for me because it gave me an opportunity to explain my story and what I do. For any of you who aren't too sure about where I came from or how I got into personal training, this is a must listen podcast episode. During the interview we discuss the release of my new book, the benefits of intermittent fasting, how to cure hunger cravings and much more. So sit back, grab a black coffee and enjoy the episode ;)
Episode #71 - The Cheapest Sources Of Protein
28/05/2018 Duration: 09minWhen you’re looking at good, lean cuts of meat, or you’re looking at chicken breasts and things like that. Sometimes it’s just a little bit too expensive. If you find yourself becoming strapped for cash when it comes to food (especially protein) here are a few ideas to help you out. These are the foods that I've found are most filling, taste the best and are cheaper compared to other sources of protein out there.
Episode #70 - Craig Ballantyne, Mastering Your Morning
23/05/2018 Duration: 29minWeight loss doesn’t happen overnight and you’re not going to achieve your goals if you don’t have 5 special pillars of success. Tyson and Craig discuss how to crush your morning with exercise and dominate the rest of your day to help you stay on track towards your goals. Going through the 5 pillars of success starts with the night before and organising your schedule so that it alligns with your pillars. Tyson and Craig also discuss how you can get to bed on time so that you wake up with the energy and mental alertness you need to get up an exercise before anything else. The reason to do it in the morning is because that will help make it so much easier to stick to since there are no chances for excuses to come up or for your energy to slump. Plan the night before - put out exercise clothes before bed 5 pillars of success Better planning and preparation Professional accountability - coaches Positive Social Support (having a strong support group) Meaningful Incentive (why are you doing this) Deadline
Episode #69 - How To Eat Healthy On A Budget
21/05/2018 Duration: 11minWhen you’re trying to change the way you eat, it can be extremely difficult to choice healthy options that don't cost an arm and a leg. Instead of going to Whole Foods and using your Whole paycheck, follow these options I recommend in the podcast to help you eat healthy while not breaking the bank.