Tyson's Fitness Tips

Episode #85 - Why You Must Know What Your Trigger Foods Are!



There are certain foods that you shouldn't keep in your house. These foods are what cause you to overeat, feel guilty and stop you from losing weight. Identify what these 'trigger' foods are and THROW THEM AWAY. Don't buy them, don't "save them" GET RID OF THEM NOW. There is no shame in admitting that you can't be around a certain food because you will binge eat it. That's called self-awareness and self-awareness is a very important skill to have. There's a reason I don't keep Nutella in my house, it's because (as you've seen before) I'll eat an entire jar without batting an eyelid. So I don't buy it, plain and simple.   Download your free chapter of my new book "Ditch The Diet" by going to www.tysonbrown.com.au/ditchthediet