Tysons Fitness Tips is a podcast created to help you learn how to lose stubborn belly fat and keep it off forever.Tyson shares with you simple tips that you can implement into your life immediately with proven steps that have worked for himself and his clients.He also interviews experts from all over the world who share with you their tried and tested methods when it comes to training, diet, mindset, sleep, stress management and so much more
Commando Steve: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
25/09/2017 Duration: 48minSummary Everyone wants to get in shape, and get fit but if you want to be successful you need a deeper meaning. When you just exercise for the aesthetics and to look good when you’re naked, you’re just setting yourself up for failure. When people start to look a little better it becomes a chance to slack off on their regimen. If you do make it to your goal of a six pack, or fitting into a certain size - then what? Exercise and fitness needs to have more behind it. Do you want to live longer, be healthier, be able to adapt more? Think about the reasons you really want to embark on this journey, or you’ll never get the results you really want. On this episode of Tyson’s Fitness Tips we are joined by fitness guru Commando Steve from Biggest Loser. Steven gives insights into the mindframe you need to have if you want to achieve your goals, plus some bonus time saving tips for your trip to the grocery store. Download this episode of the Tyson’s Fitness Tips to see how you can take action and get in the m
02: How To Stop Hunger Forever
25/09/2017 Duration: 10minEveryone wants to get in shape, but one thing that seems to stop us is the signals we get in from our body. One of those signals is hunger, and this can be very challenging because you’re trying to stop yourself from eating all of the bad food that you’re tempted with but that hunger feeling makes it so hard. On this episode of Tyson’s Fitness Tips, Tyson is in the streets of Sydney and he is sharing with you 3 powerful tips that you can use to stop those hunger cravings you get throughout the day. Download this episode of the Tyson’s Fitness Tips Podcast to see how you can stop hunger in it’s tracks. Bonus Tip: How To Improve Your Sleep Key Points Chewing your food more. Taking time to slow down and eat. Learn to stop and taste your food. Eat more lean sources of protein. Eat more whole foods. Eating more vegetables. The right amount of water to drink for your body’s needs. Links: Tyson’s Website Tyson’s Facebook
01: Welcome To Tyson's Fitness Tips
23/09/2017 Duration: 06minSummary Tyson’s Fitness Tip’s is a podcast created to help you learn how to lose stubborn belly fat and keep it off forever. Tyson shares with you simple tips that you can implement into your life immediately with proven steps that have worked for himself and his clients. He also interviews experts from all over the world who share with you their tried and tested methods when it comes to training, diet, mindset, sleep, stress management and so much more. On this episode of Tyson’s Fitness Tips, Tyson explains to you exactly what the podcast is about and how you can get the best from it. Download this first episode of Tyson’s Fitness Tips to learn how you can start to transform your body today. Key Points Welcome to the podcast. What the podcast is about. How Often the podcast is going to be released. How to best use this podcast. Where to find out more information. Links: Tyson’s Website Tyson’s facebook