Peak Reality Check

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 93:39:36
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It's no-holds barred as Gary, Dee and Lyn discuss topics of local, national and international concern. Politics, religion, and reality are on the table. Who's on the menu this week?


  • A different 4th of July from last year's 2020

    05/07/2021 Duration: 59min

    Doctrine of Discovery-1493. Fredrick Douglass' 1862 4th of July speech.  How many U.S. Senators are on Exxon's payroll? A few might surprise you. The U.S. Supreme Court? Has it gone off the rails? AZ restrictive election laws. Why? Are white Christian Nationals being given cover by the Evangelical community? The Southern Baptist Conference has a new leader. Is he any different than the last one?  California has issued a travel ban on a total of 19 states now. Is your state one of them? Should we have a travel ban on the Convid-19/Delta variant holdout states? 

  • Do Republicans want to deny Democracy?

    21/06/2021 Duration: 52min

    Good News: Interesting data from the Institute for New Economic Thinking. Is there a Social Security increase in our future? Colorado has its own healthcare plan now. Body language. Will El Paso County become a stand-a-lone congressional district?  Do states have the right to suppress the vote? States' Rights? Does Colorado Congressional 5th need Doug Lamborn? From his voting record you've got to say "NO!" He's definitely not for his constituents. Will the demographic changes in the CO-5th finally send Lamborn packing?  Congressman Louie Gomert (R-TX) shows us once again he has no intellectual reasoning or intellectual capacity. MTG? Sheesh! Wasting time on Tucker Carlson? FBI? Can you live on $15,000/year?  Colorado Springs has a new Welfare Queen. Care to take a guess? Surprised? 

  • Senator Joe Manchurian

    14/06/2021 Duration: 54min

    RLDF? RAGA? Alphabet soup time. Upset donors? More companies are getting on the voter suppression band wagon. A danger to Democracy? The DOJ spying on congressional members and their families. Senator Joe Manchurian the $tar receiver of the Koch Organization and U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  HHS budget is before Congress. Will the Hyde amendment go? Will Medical Tourism increase to states that will allow abortions? United Healthcare wants to deny your ER bills. The USOC Museum in Colorado Springs has its hand out. A letter to Governor Polis of Colorado.  Good News happening in Vermont, Oregon, and Colorado. Is mainstream media finally growing a backbone? 

  • A shortened segment that is packed

    07/06/2021 Duration: 28min

    This shortened segment packs a punch! A Gremlin cut us off mid-stream but we did manage to get in the Infrastructure Bill, the lack of investing, PPRI (Who?), a little Qanon, the Colorado Title board  doing a "good" thing, and a sampling of "Free Stuff."

  • The 1/6 Commission & Qanon Tenants

    30/05/2021 Duration: 50min

    This is our first foray into Zoom if things sound a little different. The 1/6 Commission was killed in the Senate by Mitch, "Do me a favor", McConnell. (He forget the word "though). When he swore an oath to defend the Constitution, who's Constitution is it? It definitely wasn't the good ol' U.S. of A. What are the main tenants of Qanon? Care to take a guess? What are the four camps that the Republicans fall into? What's this "Save the Country" stuff that's going on? Save the country from whom? Should we try the insurrectionists? Lindsay Graham gives a "Head Snapping" interview. To all of our military friends out there, look out for the "Left Wing" indoctrination going on in all branches of the services. Good news: Iran and the nuclear treaty. Is Iran really the bad guy on the block? Bad news: The U.S. is slowing down.    

  • Peak Reality Check reaches a Milestone--10,000+ downloads.

    16/05/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    Our very own Congressional Insurrectionist (Doug Lamborn) got caught up in a lawsuit against him for "endangering" his staff. Apparently he has been breaking house rules and has some "ethical" issues. Will there be a 01/06/2021 investigative commission? Who will be on it? Is Democracy in serious peril?  Weak sister Kevin McCarthy gets a mention or two. Do you think Liz Cheney will come out on top? Will there be a new Republican Party?  T****'s lawsuits against him are coming down the pike.  Moscow Mitch McConnell is still being a  "Horse's Patoot." You think he'll ever change?  We've got food inflation. Did you know China had a crop failure this year? This won't settle down for the next couple of years. What's this with Republicans wearing "yellow stars?" What is this signifying? Theft from the poor? Is the NRA finally heading for the dustbin of history? 

  • An APP to report Homelessness. Does it work?

    09/05/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Dee, asked a question about an APP for reporting Homelessness and she got an answer straight the horse's mouth: Councilman Bill Murray. What does Homelessness and the Covid-19 vaccine have in common? Is the political pendulum swinging and which way? Was the voter participation in the last Colorado Springs election pathetic? Was it something to cheer about? Who benefits from blocking important policy legislation? Certainly not the citizens. Is it all about Power? The citizens be Damned?  What's a "K" shape? What does it mean? Is the Republican Party heading for extinction? Who is Ezra Pound? What in the world is Senator Manchin thinking? Alabama banned Yoga. Not enough flavors. Are you ready for the Weekend Space Force coming to a military base near you.

  • The First 100 Days for the Biden Administration

    03/05/2021 Duration: 55min

    High approval ratings. Good economy. Vaccinations are up. Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. The coal miners are onboard with transitioning to Green Energy jobs. More dollars into R&D. Investing in infrastructure. Union jobs. A message from our Congress Critter which contained words like: Radical Left. Warp Speed. You think he'll ever give it up? Matt Gaetz is getting in deeper. Rudy Giuliani? What can we say? The West Virginia governor gets ripped a "New One."  Ever hear of the Convention of States? They want to change the constitution. See what their changes are and do you agree or disagree with the changes they are proposing? We discuss Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. Some interesting stuff there.

  • What is the price of Economic Nostalgia?

    26/04/2021 Duration: 54min

    We're still faced with technical Gremlins. But we'll get them worked out. We have a special guest who that was formerly with Reality Check and he's imparted some of his Fischerisms. The Republicans and their excuses for not allowing Washington, D.C. to become a state are beyond insanity. They are down right Stupid. These guys and gals are showing their ignorance. Twelve states want the federal government to phase out gasoline powered vehicles by 2035. Will it happen? Is there the technology to make it happen? Does California gets its special emissions exemption back? The states that followed it can breathe a sigh of relief. We touch briefly on the "Welfare States", you know the ones that take and take and take and still complain about "Big Government." Corporation might be changing their position on the Republican Party and its candidates. It's about time. They've been leaving dollars on the table for decades. Marjorie Taylor Green wants to debate AOC on the subject of the Green New Deal. Now that would be wo

  • Executive Orders on Gun Control Bidenomics Execution Drugs

    11/04/2021 Duration: 01h53s

    Get the facts on the Executive Orders on Gun Control. Definitely not what the media is putting out. Is Bidenomics good or bad for the economy and the country. Joe's putting a different spin on his economic plan and you might like it. We have the facts. The Pentagon Budget is out there. What will the final budget look like. Does the Department of Defense need to open up? Is there enough transparency? Are "We" the Government? Will there be more reconciliation on legislation in the future? Looks like a corporate tax increase is in the offing. What will the revenue increase be used for?  Does the U.S. have the capability to fend off the Covid variants? What will stop us? Three states are stocking up on "Execution Drugs." Why? The money spent on "Executions Drugs" can be better spent elsewhere.  Colorado's voting system is discussed.

  • Good News plus Republican Antics

    21/03/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Rank Choice Voting is moving in the Colorado State House. It's through 2 committees already. Tax filing date has been moved to 5/17. Homeless people get a windfall. The Foreign Influence Act is progressing in the Colorado State House. Spain is going for a 4 day work week. Should we try it here? What's Mom worth? Are we heading for universal pre-K? The FBI is going to be looking into a sham investigation.  Boebert speaks. What did she say? Tours? Investigations? State Senator Paul Lundeen is trying his hand at Voter Suppression. Did the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) give him this piece of legislation?  With the best voting system in the country, Lundeen wants to try this? People of Colorado Senate District #9, vote this guy out! The Weapon of Mass Obstruction is trying to burn the U.S. Senate down. Senator Lindsay Graham says he'll Filibuster. I'd like to see the old windbag do it. Get the popcorn. The B.1.1.7 Covid-19 variant is not too kind to kids. Parents watch out! Something else might be c

  • More Good News Abounds this Week

    14/03/2021 Duration: 57min

    The American Recovery Act passes. Merrick Garland is now head of DOJ. The Troops are out there administering vaccine shots. The President gives a  good speech. Two high ranking personnel are elevated to the rank of 4 star. Biden shows empathy and compassion. Your local police have been cut off from acquiring military hardware. It's about time. Katie  Porter and Congressman Tim Ryan shine. The CDC says we can begin to get together. It'll be Touchy Feely Time in the near future. Yea! The not so Good News begins with Congressman Lamborn sending  out his propaganda. Whine Whine Whine. Florida's Rick Scott is advise cities and state to do what? Is Day Light Saving Time still relevant? Women vs. Men? Will China take over Taiwan in the near future? Where does Guam fit into this picture? Marjory Taylor-Green wants to cut off all  foreign aid to Guam. Do  you think that's a good idea? What  are the origins of the Space Force and when did they begin? An old recycled idea? Planned Parenthood cut off in Texas. What's the

  • Congressman Doug Lamborn Loses It!

    07/03/2021 Duration: 57min

    Congressman Doug Lamborn has a conniption fit over H.R.1 For The People Act. We take his words and discuss why he's wrong. Do you have a problem with giving people the  right to vote unimpeded? Stopping Voter Suppression? A move toward true Democracy? Good News: T**** wasn't inaugurated on March 4 as some of his followers anticipated. In fact, it was one of his smallest crowd sizes. That must really hurt his ego. There's going to be plenty of Covid-19 vaccines in the near future. Universal Basic Income was a good success. Will it work nationwide? Is it needed? A new Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) is coming. That's really Good News. Will Texas become a Super Spreader state along with a few others?  Write a big enough campaign check and you too can have a  Pop-Up vaccine station in your community.  There's another view of the employment situation. Are the jobs that have been lost to Covid-19 really coming back? It's 251 years since what event took place?   

  • We have Real Stuff and Real News

    01/03/2021 Duration: 01h11s

    Good News: El Paso county may become its own congressional district. How will that bode for the demographic make up of Congressional District 5? Will it start to lean  a little more (?) with the influx of new residents?  Looks like Louis DeJoy may be heading for the unemployment line in the very near future. Will the DOJ be waiting to have some discussions with him about tampering with an election and tampering with the U.S. Postal Service? The CPAC people are back in the Idol Worshipping Business again. Won't they ever learn? The lightning will strike in 5,4,3,2,....... Lindsay Graham shows us his ignorance when it comes to business. That's right! He's never held a "real" job. The $15/hr.  minimum wage will have to find another vehicle for passage. There's a discussion on the Filibuster. Lamborn is spamming us again.  Merrick Garland has made a personal sacrifice. Too bad some our members of Congress won't do the same. i.e. Cruz to resign. Hawley to go  back the Stanford and open a book. Those that are looki

  • Real News is Back in the News!

    21/02/2021 Duration: 55min

    Real News is picking up at an accelerated rate. Makes "Warp Speed" seem like a cat slow walking in front of you. Hurry up.! Get out of the way. Faith based organizations are stepping up. Not for what you think. Evangelical organizations are not participating. Why not? Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has really stepped in it and on it. See what Pride and Greed can get you? New realms of physical and financial pain. They proved they are not Reliable. Find out who's really helping the citizens of the Great State of Texas. There's a surprise or two here. Could there be some "Profiteering" going on here? Understand there's some "kicking people" while they're down. Ever hear of a Dan Crenshaw (TX 2nd congressional district)? You will.  Is the Pentagon beginning to weed out extremists from its ranks? Who's  advice will they be following? You'll hear about Capital Police issues. What's this about a 911 style commission investigating the 01/06/2021 "impromptu party" at the Nation's capital? Immigration c

  • Changes are coming.

    14/02/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    We open a Hot Mic session with (Unintentional) sounds of the past. The Citizens Conservation Corp is coming back with the help of President Biden. It's one way to put people back to work and give them the dignity of a job. This isn't welfare, folks.  The state of Georgia is ramping up a grand jury for indictments doing with the tampering of an election and threating public officials. Tennessee has gone off the rails. Don't those legislators have anything better to do?  Good News: FCC looks to making internet more affordable. Are higher speeds in our future at a lower cost? The Postal Board gets a new chair (look for BIG changes there). The National Labor Relations Board is rescinding anti-union rules that were passed in the prior administration. Of course, we had to discuss the Impeachment Trial. As you can see, we've put it on the bottom of our list. Time to move on. 

  • A Letter to the President

    07/02/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    FORMER Vice-President Pence gets a job? The X-President's new temporary home is in Florida? Will the FORMER President be the FIRST Witness at his impeachment trial? Are there some EGO problems here? A unionized Amazon? SecDef is cleaning house. Isn't it about time?  Liz Cheney is sticking around, yet 61 of her fellow Republicans want her gone. Too bad we can't say the same for Greene. Boebert is caught in some campaign finance issues. Will this be her undoing? Is Lamborn officially an Insurrectionist? Are voter suppression laws in our future? Nationwide? HR-1? What is going on in Arizona? Weld County wants to secede from Colorado. See what legalizing Marijuana has done? Too much Wacky Tobbacky? More immigrants coming our way? Will immigrant children finally be reunited with their parents? Good News: Puerto Rico is finally getting funding to rebuild. Thank you Mr. President. Have you checked out Mitt Romney's proposal? We discuss your body. What? How dare you?  Science is back. Is diplomacy back? Will the Obam

  • The President's Changes and Rollbacks

    01/02/2021 Duration: 57min

    The Biden administration is moving ahead with repairing the damage of the prior administration. The changes course through this episode are clearly explained. There are more briefings keeping us all informed. As Dee says, "No more news via Twitter." The federal government is going "Green" with changing the fleet of vehicles it owns procuring electric vehicles that will put hundreds of people to work. Its' about time, don't you think? Buy American! The President has a chance to eliminate subsidies for oil, gas, and coal. The subsidies are pocket change, right? No They're NOT! DOJ is getting out of the private prison business and none to soon.  Now with the good news: The Trump brand is stained and tarnished beyond all recognition. Reasons are given. T**** appointees to the Defense Department have been denied. The New York State Bar has kicked Rudy Giuliani to the curb. The White House 'spin' doctor has been fired. Is T**** dead politically? Can QAnon financially support T****'s fantasies?  How has the BLM move

  • What a difference 48 hours makes.

    25/01/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    A new president and the changes are happening at Warp Speed (not to be confused with the last administration). Things are really changing for the good. Dee lists them as they are too numerous to list here.  Dr. Fauci has been set free. Science, Data, and Facts. We can't hold him back now. Which state is doing the best regarding Covid-19 distribution? You might be surprised.  Senators Cruz and Howely are catching the heat. Are they smart enough to feel it? Congresswoman Boebert and Congressman Lamborn, of the Colorado 3rd and 5th respectively, received a letter from retired judges, lawyers, and former military personnel, and it wasn't to praise them for their taking a stand to not certify the 2020 presidential election. State House District 60 member Ron Hanks was one of locally elected officials that attended the January 6th Insurrection Party. He apparently was a counterintelligence agent but by his web page, you'd never know it. People who feel their working conditions are unsafe, can collect unemployment i

  • Who's really in charge of protection of Washington DC and the Congress?

    18/01/2021 Duration: 55min

    Are the Capitol Police responsible for the protection of Congress? What does the chain of command look like. Who's in that chain? Is Congressman Doug Lamborn really doing his job? What does he support? The Rule of Law? The Insurrectionists? Is it in character for Lamborn to go groveling to a Democratic President for a favor? Is Lamborn a hinderance? The Space Force: What's the intended mission? What is the reality? Are we wasting money on this project? Will it get us the right technology for the future or will the U.S. play catchup with the rest of the world?  Will the Congress lose a freshman member from Colorado before the spring thaw? Will there be more violence against moderate members of the Republican Party? Is the Republican Party sticking with QAnon? Is this the suicide of the Republican Party?   

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