Peak Reality Check

Congressman Doug Lamborn Loses It!



Congressman Doug Lamborn has a conniption fit over H.R.1 For The People Act. We take his words and discuss why he's wrong. Do you have a problem with giving people the  right to vote unimpeded? Stopping Voter Suppression? A move toward true Democracy? Good News: T**** wasn't inaugurated on March 4 as some of his followers anticipated. In fact, it was one of his smallest crowd sizes. That must really hurt his ego. There's going to be plenty of Covid-19 vaccines in the near future. Universal Basic Income was a good success. Will it work nationwide? Is it needed? A new Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) is coming. That's really Good News. Will Texas become a Super Spreader state along with a few others?  Write a big enough campaign check and you too can have a  Pop-Up vaccine station in your community.  There's another view of the employment situation. Are the jobs that have been lost to Covid-19 really coming back? It's 251 years since what event took place?