Peak Reality Check

More Good News Abounds this Week



The American Recovery Act passes. Merrick Garland is now head of DOJ. The Troops are out there administering vaccine shots. The President gives a  good speech. Two high ranking personnel are elevated to the rank of 4 star. Biden shows empathy and compassion. Your local police have been cut off from acquiring military hardware. It's about time. Katie  Porter and Congressman Tim Ryan shine. The CDC says we can begin to get together. It'll be Touchy Feely Time in the near future. Yea! The not so Good News begins with Congressman Lamborn sending  out his propaganda. Whine Whine Whine. Florida's Rick Scott is advise cities and state to do what? Is Day Light Saving Time still relevant? Women vs. Men? Will China take over Taiwan in the near future? Where does Guam fit into this picture? Marjory Taylor-Green wants to cut off all  foreign aid to Guam. Do  you think that's a good idea? What  are the origins of the Space Force and when did they begin? An old recycled idea? Planned Parenthood cut off in Texas. What's the