Peak Reality Check

The President's Changes and Rollbacks



The Biden administration is moving ahead with repairing the damage of the prior administration. The changes course through this episode are clearly explained. There are more briefings keeping us all informed. As Dee says, "No more news via Twitter." The federal government is going "Green" with changing the fleet of vehicles it owns procuring electric vehicles that will put hundreds of people to work. Its' about time, don't you think? Buy American! The President has a chance to eliminate subsidies for oil, gas, and coal. The subsidies are pocket change, right? No They're NOT! DOJ is getting out of the private prison business and none to soon.  Now with the good news: The Trump brand is stained and tarnished beyond all recognition. Reasons are given. T**** appointees to the Defense Department have been denied. The New York State Bar has kicked Rudy Giuliani to the curb. The White House 'spin' doctor has been fired. Is T**** dead politically? Can QAnon financially support T****'s fantasies?  How has the BLM move