Peak Reality Check

What a difference 48 hours makes.



A new president and the changes are happening at Warp Speed (not to be confused with the last administration). Things are really changing for the good. Dee lists them as they are too numerous to list here.  Dr. Fauci has been set free. Science, Data, and Facts. We can't hold him back now. Which state is doing the best regarding Covid-19 distribution? You might be surprised.  Senators Cruz and Howely are catching the heat. Are they smart enough to feel it? Congresswoman Boebert and Congressman Lamborn, of the Colorado 3rd and 5th respectively, received a letter from retired judges, lawyers, and former military personnel, and it wasn't to praise them for their taking a stand to not certify the 2020 presidential election. State House District 60 member Ron Hanks was one of locally elected officials that attended the January 6th Insurrection Party. He apparently was a counterintelligence agent but by his web page, you'd never know it. People who feel their working conditions are unsafe, can collect unemployment i