Peak Reality Check

Do Republicans want to deny Democracy?



Good News: Interesting data from the Institute for New Economic Thinking. Is there a Social Security increase in our future? Colorado has its own healthcare plan now. Body language. Will El Paso County become a stand-a-lone congressional district?  Do states have the right to suppress the vote? States' Rights? Does Colorado Congressional 5th need Doug Lamborn? From his voting record you've got to say "NO!" He's definitely not for his constituents. Will the demographic changes in the CO-5th finally send Lamborn packing?  Congressman Louie Gomert (R-TX) shows us once again he has no intellectual reasoning or intellectual capacity. MTG? Sheesh! Wasting time on Tucker Carlson? FBI? Can you live on $15,000/year?  Colorado Springs has a new Welfare Queen. Care to take a guess? Surprised?