Peak Reality Check

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 93:39:36
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It's no-holds barred as Gary, Dee and Lyn discuss topics of local, national and international concern. Politics, religion, and reality are on the table. Who's on the menu this week?


  • Three Democratic State Legislators will offer a Reproductive Health Equity Act

    05/12/2021 Duration: 55min

    Colorado State University why oh why? Congress Critter Lamborn introduces HR6099 this past week and we give you a history lesson on this legislation. Lamborn also shows his connection to the Family Research Council, a Hate Group identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The Family Policy Alliance, birthed by Focus on the Family, offers their 2 cents. Is the Second Amendment eating the First Amendment? What is the American Hoax? Public hearings for the 1/6 commission? It's about time. The Women's Self Protection act needs to be passed. Pronto!

  • A Potpourri of News

    21/11/2021 Duration: 54min

    China's nuclear program is expanding. Austria is doing what? Again? You'll love what the 28 western counties of Colorado are doing or not doing regarding Covid-19. The BLM (the other BLM) is heading back to Washington D. C. Boulder county has solved the religious exemption problem regarding Covid-19 vaccinations.  Did Alex Jones lose his 4th court case? Boo Hoo! Congressman Gaetz is shopping for a cell mate. Should Michael Flynn's retirement pension be revoked? What's the Squid Game? Why aren't people going back to work? Is it time DOD's budget was cut? 

  • John Foley, A Russian Analyst, discusses Afghanistan and Iraq

    14/11/2021 Duration: 48min

    Congressman Lamborn steps in it again. I guess he can't help himself in his quest to throw shade at President Biden.  John Foley discusses Afghanistan and the issues facing the Taliban --like the broken economy/healthcare system; and women not wanting to go back to the suppressive regime of the past. Iraq and Iran have similar problems regarding protestors of the past being elected to political offices.  Facebook is discussed and is the Republican Party becoming the Marxist or Bolsheviks of 21st Century America?   

  • Colorado Springs Election Results for November 2021

    09/11/2021 Duration: 58min

    Then there's that one WTF moment for Moffat County, Colorado. You could call that the worst outcome for an election. The War on Christmas is coming back. Can't we give it a break for once? Apparently there's a certain faction of our society that don't want their children to think for themselves. The kids don't stand a chance of rising to full their potential. Who needs innovation, right? What are Parental Rights? Is this a new buzzword for agitating people who are basically ignorant about what should be taught in schools? Are these people the future book burners? Lyn explains the "Missing White Girl Syndrome." Congressman Lamborn earns another FOSA. That's 3 in 2 weeks. Will he every stop? Stay tuned.

  • So you want to try Ivermectin to cure your Covid-19?

    31/10/2021 Duration: 56min

    What is Ataxic? There's a change in U.S. passports. Will it affect you? Is it because of Aliens coming? The National Nurses Union is ticked and they're not being quiet about it. Are you tired of the happenings going on around you? There's something ridiculous going on with the USPS. The Parable of the Drowning Man with a new twist. It's Striketober month. Child labor is making a comeback. This could be an employer's dream. A judge stands up for the rule of law. There's a Wisconsin judge who as lost his marbles. Florida's governor "Insantis" is still trying to make points with who knows who. 

  • Do you have a Right to...........................?

    17/10/2021 Duration: 01h03s

    Congressman Lamborn earned 2 FOSA this week. He's on a roll with misinformation. Does anyone really believe or listen to him? Did you know that the Greatest Generation, which included your grandfather, grandmother, and possibly father and mother, was Antifa?  What is Stealthing? Gender neutral toy sets. What's this world coming to?  Colorado passed two laws regarding healthcare for Transgendered people. A positive? Will the Evangelical community go nuts? Jobs? People are quitting. Kansas is a safe haven for women wanting an Abortion.........................................for now.

  • We've Got Good News--One American News backers have been outed.

    11/10/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Good News: A Malaria vaccine has been developed. Say good-bye to Quinine. Covid-19 cases are decreasing. But, what about Covid-19 breakthroughs? Are Critical Standards of Care good news? How can that be good news? Get your wallet ready for the Covid pill. Is Senator Manchin being a Putz? How's the marriage between QAnon conspiracists and the White Evangelical pastors working out? 

  • How does the U.S. rank as far as Healthcare, Pensions. and Freedom?

    04/10/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    An El Paso County ballot issue that is short on substance and long on nothing is discussed by Dee and from there the topic goes downhill. Is there a comparison of Apples and Potatoes? Are you informed? Does Senator Joe Manchin want to save the planet? He thinks the U.S. will become an entitled nation. Will it? Hypocrisy? Wyoming the shrinking state. Do you think Wyoming has anything in common with Jonestown? What does the 8:1 ratio signify?  We do end with Good News.

  • The National Defense Authorization Act--a Christmas tree or.........

    27/09/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    Congressman Doug Lamborn put on his shirt with an "S" and singlehandedly wrestled the NDAA legislation through Congress. Yeah! Right! Ever hear of the Combatant Commanders Priority List? Neither have we. What's vaccine exemptions got to do with the NDAA? Why would a person who had Covid-19 and received a vaccine want that in the NDAA?  Kenneth Copeland, a megachurch pastor, wants his parishioners to supply him with "another" private jet. "Praise the Lord and fuel the Lear." Mary Trump describes her "Dumbest" relative. No surprise here. Are the patients in charge of the Insane Asylum? Covide-19 maps. Does the 1033 program get a makeover? 

  • What's Wrong with Our Country?

    20/09/2021 Duration: 55min

    White Supremacists. The DC rally. Has the former guy lost interest? Mississippi and Federal dollars. Does Idaho have a Covid-19/Delta variant problem? Other Covid-19 stats. The Rights favorite web provider got hacked. Who did it? Tweets from the California recall election. 

  • Vaccine Mandates

    13/09/2021 Duration: 59min

    Congressman Doug Lamborn shoots his mouth off..............again. Presidential mandates? Who's issued them? Is a booster on the way? What's the hospitalization cost of treating Covid-19/Delta?  How's El Paso County fairing?  Does the Handmaiden's Tale relate to what's happening in Texas? How can an ordinance in a Podunk town, Waskom, in Texas blow up Roe vs. Wade? Is Texas trying to gut our Constitution?  The rally at the U.S. Capitol, will it be the second insurrection? 

  • Sacrifice: The current generation vs. The Greatest Generation

    06/09/2021 Duration: 01h09s

    Is a new Civilian Conservation Corp coming our way? Will people make the "Sacrifice" to join? Volunteer teachers? Should we be doing more targeted community service? Not the "feel good" once every other month of community service. When was the last time you saw a "Flash Mob" in Colorado Springs? Can Universal Basic Income help in the artistic community? A War tax?  Will China fill the void in Afghanistan? What should be done with anti-society, anti-government personnel in the military? It's been suggested we keep retired generals off TV. Give us your thoughts. The National Defense Authorization Act is loaded with goodies that Congressman Doug Lamborn is taking credit for. There's a few in there "We" don't like. In fact, there's quite a few.  

  • Two Generations (Afghanistan/Viet Nam) compare their experiences

    29/08/2021 Duration: 59min

    Hearing about the experiences of two combat veterans (Kent Jarnig-Viet Nam/Joe Reagan-Afghanistan) provide an insight into their similar experiences. More at:   

  • A Conversation about Afghanistan

    23/08/2021 Duration: 52min

    Have We as a country learned our lesson? Are We as a country making the same mistakes in some African countries? Why didn't Democracy work? How will the Afghan women fair? Is there a difference between the Taliban and Republicans when it comes to women? What were Osama Bin Laden's assumptions? Was he correct? Will Afghanistan become a breeding ground for other terrorist organizations? Will the U.S. bankroll a future Afghanistan? Does Tribalism equal Race? Covid-19 Delta variant is on the rise. Do you need a booster shot?   

  • A lot of news this week

    16/08/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Sen. Manchin's thoughts on the budget. He is right? Have you ever heard of Surge Pricing? It's coming your way via the United States Post Office. Ouch! Fact: Wild Fire Smoke is dangerous to your health. Covid-19/Delta variant updates. Are kids the target of the Delta variant? Is Social Media an addiction? Will there be a boom in the used motorcycle market courtesy of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally? Time will tell. Just in time for Christmas?

  • We hear from others.

    08/08/2021 Duration: 01h04s

    Today we hear from Jack Sellers, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. Then there's Dr. Carrie Stephenson, the Montrose County School District superintendent. And Greg Locke, a pastor(?). We have words about Katie Britt (the former guy has a few choice words for Katie) and Cori Bush. Covid-19 and the Delta variant are hot topics. Would you like to become a Doctor during this pandemic time? We can make it easy for you. Looks like businesses are mandating vaccines.  Get your vaccine passport ready. Critical Race theory gets a good going over. Is there anything to really be concerned about here?   

  • The Freedom Cafe is Open

    02/08/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Lots of Freedom things going on. Ret. General Flynn goes to church. Surprised? A company sues the labor department to free itself. Freedom to take a stand. Freedom not to hire people. Freedom not to take the vaccine. The results are not pretty. Will Federal employees have the Freedom to refuse a vaccine? Our military? Freedom not to be empathetic. But we do end on a happy note.

  • Absurd Statements and Really Absurd Statements

    26/07/2021 Duration: 01h31s

    HIPPA comes under fire. The reasons are absurd. Why are military retirees against President Biden? Why is there stoking of fear against a Universal Basic Income (UBI)? Do you support the miner's strike in Alabama? What strike? What is the Colorado Turn-out Project? Is this an exterminator business? 

  • Death in the Rightwing Stratosphere

    18/07/2021 Duration: 59min

    The Rightwing is mourning the loss of one of their own. Will Covid-19 spike in the near future? Is the 5-day workweek dead? Are you a Pleasure Seeker or a Security Seeker? Will Branson, MO be a vacation stop for you this year? Ever?

  • Critical Race Theory

    11/07/2021 Duration: 54min

    Critical Race theory and the new Colorado Diaper Bank. Two things that have something in common. Dee sums it up.  

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