Peak Reality Check

Executive Orders on Gun Control Bidenomics Execution Drugs



Get the facts on the Executive Orders on Gun Control. Definitely not what the media is putting out. Is Bidenomics good or bad for the economy and the country. Joe's putting a different spin on his economic plan and you might like it. We have the facts. The Pentagon Budget is out there. What will the final budget look like. Does the Department of Defense need to open up? Is there enough transparency? Are "We" the Government? Will there be more reconciliation on legislation in the future? Looks like a corporate tax increase is in the offing. What will the revenue increase be used for?  Does the U.S. have the capability to fend off the Covid variants? What will stop us? Three states are stocking up on "Execution Drugs." Why? The money spent on "Executions Drugs" can be better spent elsewhere.  Colorado's voting system is discussed.