Peak Reality Check

Real News is Back in the News!



Real News is picking up at an accelerated rate. Makes "Warp Speed" seem like a cat slow walking in front of you. Hurry up.! Get out of the way. Faith based organizations are stepping up. Not for what you think. Evangelical organizations are not participating. Why not? Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has really stepped in it and on it. See what Pride and Greed can get you? New realms of physical and financial pain. They proved they are not Reliable. Find out who's really helping the citizens of the Great State of Texas. There's a surprise or two here. Could there be some "Profiteering" going on here? Understand there's some "kicking people" while they're down. Ever hear of a Dan Crenshaw (TX 2nd congressional district)? You will.  Is the Pentagon beginning to weed out extremists from its ranks? Who's  advice will they be following? You'll hear about Capital Police issues. What's this about a 911 style commission investigating the 01/06/2021 "impromptu party" at the Nation's capital? Immigration c