Peak Reality Check

Peak Reality Check reaches a Milestone--10,000+ downloads.



Our very own Congressional Insurrectionist (Doug Lamborn) got caught up in a lawsuit against him for "endangering" his staff. Apparently he has been breaking house rules and has some "ethical" issues. Will there be a 01/06/2021 investigative commission? Who will be on it? Is Democracy in serious peril?  Weak sister Kevin McCarthy gets a mention or two. Do you think Liz Cheney will come out on top? Will there be a new Republican Party?  T****'s lawsuits against him are coming down the pike.  Moscow Mitch McConnell is still being a  "Horse's Patoot." You think he'll ever change?  We've got food inflation. Did you know China had a crop failure this year? This won't settle down for the next couple of years. What's this with Republicans wearing "yellow stars?" What is this signifying? Theft from the poor? Is the NRA finally heading for the dustbin of history?