Peak Reality Check

What is the price of Economic Nostalgia?



We're still faced with technical Gremlins. But we'll get them worked out. We have a special guest who that was formerly with Reality Check and he's imparted some of his Fischerisms. The Republicans and their excuses for not allowing Washington, D.C. to become a state are beyond insanity. They are down right Stupid. These guys and gals are showing their ignorance. Twelve states want the federal government to phase out gasoline powered vehicles by 2035. Will it happen? Is there the technology to make it happen? Does California gets its special emissions exemption back? The states that followed it can breathe a sigh of relief. We touch briefly on the "Welfare States", you know the ones that take and take and take and still complain about "Big Government." Corporation might be changing their position on the Republican Party and its candidates. It's about time. They've been leaving dollars on the table for decades. Marjorie Taylor Green wants to debate AOC on the subject of the Green New Deal. Now that would be wo