Peak Reality Check

Good News plus Republican Antics



Rank Choice Voting is moving in the Colorado State House. It's through 2 committees already. Tax filing date has been moved to 5/17. Homeless people get a windfall. The Foreign Influence Act is progressing in the Colorado State House. Spain is going for a 4 day work week. Should we try it here? What's Mom worth? Are we heading for universal pre-K? The FBI is going to be looking into a sham investigation.  Boebert speaks. What did she say? Tours? Investigations? State Senator Paul Lundeen is trying his hand at Voter Suppression. Did the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) give him this piece of legislation?  With the best voting system in the country, Lundeen wants to try this? People of Colorado Senate District #9, vote this guy out! The Weapon of Mass Obstruction is trying to burn the U.S. Senate down. Senator Lindsay Graham says he'll Filibuster. I'd like to see the old windbag do it. Get the popcorn. The B.1.1.7 Covid-19 variant is not too kind to kids. Parents watch out! Something else might be c