Peak Reality Check

We have Real Stuff and Real News



Good News: El Paso county may become its own congressional district. How will that bode for the demographic make up of Congressional District 5? Will it start to lean  a little more (?) with the influx of new residents?  Looks like Louis DeJoy may be heading for the unemployment line in the very near future. Will the DOJ be waiting to have some discussions with him about tampering with an election and tampering with the U.S. Postal Service? The CPAC people are back in the Idol Worshipping Business again. Won't they ever learn? The lightning will strike in 5,4,3,2,....... Lindsay Graham shows us his ignorance when it comes to business. That's right! He's never held a "real" job. The $15/hr.  minimum wage will have to find another vehicle for passage. There's a discussion on the Filibuster. Lamborn is spamming us again.  Merrick Garland has made a personal sacrifice. Too bad some our members of Congress won't do the same. i.e. Cruz to resign. Hawley to go  back the Stanford and open a book. Those that are looki