1% Better



If youre of a curious disposition, have a positive outlook, are devoted to, or even have a passing interest in making yourself a little bit better (lets set the bar low and aim for 1%) then Im very hopeful youll enjoy listening to my podcast.


  • Lorraine Shine - How to be Successful in the Interview Process? - EP167

    15/05/2020 Duration: 01h08min

    This one is definitely for the times we’re in where so many people are now back on the job marketing looking for work. It many cases, they have not had to ‘do up’ their CV/resume in a long time or have had to prepare for an interview either. So, I thought it would be very worthwhile to have Lorraine Shine, Founder and CEO Career and Interview Success, to come on to the show and walk you through the entire process from start to finish. Lorraine provides complete career management support from A-Z ranging from Career Direction/ Career Transition Coaching to the practicalities of CV updating and tailoring, Job Search Strategies and Interview skills.While we tried to cover as much as we could in the time allotted, I’m sure you’ll still have some questions I didn’t ask. No worries. Lorraine’s details are at the end of the notes and how to connect in with her. We could also do a live Q&A follow up if that’s something of interest. Do get in touch.Outlined below is the main sections and topics covered during the

  • Dr. Tasha Eurich - Internal & External Self-Awareness & The Dinner of Truth - Me, mySELF, & EI Part 7 - EP166

    08/05/2020 Duration: 55min

    Tasha Eurich, Ph.D., is an Organisational Psychologist, researcher, and New York Times bestseller. She’s the author of two awesome books (Bankable Leadership and Insights) and her TED talks have been viewed in the tens of millions of times. So, I was thrilled when she agreed to be a guest on the show. It was without a doubt one of my favorite conversations I’ve had in this entire podcasting learning journey so far. The timing was perfect too as it aligns up excellently with the Me, mySELF, & EI series as we continue to deep dive into the area of Self-Awareness.The interview is absolutely packed with insights Tasha has discovered from her own career journey as well as from the research she’s done for her books and from her consulting and executive coaching practice that she’s been running for the last decade. I could have written a small book from the notes I took during the edit of this one but here are some of the key points & takeaways:•Earliest Memory from the age of 6 with her mother following her

  • Me,mySELF, & EI Part 6 - Self-Assessments & Emotional Capital Reports with John Broderick - EP165

    30/04/2020 Duration: 48min

    Hope you’re enjoying the series so far.Up to now, we’ve covered a general primer on EI, an interview on SELF, and then 2 Parts on Self-Awareness (with another interview to come soon on this topic).Now today – it’s all about self-assessment – and finding out what your EQ (score) or in this case the ECR is. It’s very important to get a baseline – where you’re at!!My Guest is John Broderick, a Founding Director of Roche Martin Ltd.John Broderick is a consulting psychologist with considerable experience in assessment, training, coaching and teaching in emotional intelligence assessment, leadership development and psychometrics.He is a qualified trainer in a range of psychometric tools, the Emotional Capital Report (ECR) and ECR360, the MMPI-2, & NEO personality Inventory. Along with his Australian colleague and business partner, Dr Martyn Newman, he has spearheaded training in Emotional Intelligence, leadership and professional coaching in Ireland.He is a founding Director of Roche Martin Ltd, a leadership de

  • Me, mySELF, & EI Part 4 - Self-Awareness: The Foundation of Emotional Intelligence - EP163

    30/04/2020 Duration: 38min

    Hi again & welcome to the series on Emotional Intelligence.Hope you’ve enjoyed the intro and the discussion on self with Zelda.Now that we’ve got Self covered, (go back and listen if you haven’t), I feel more clear on the discussion around awareness as it relates to self & the idea of emotional awareness.Psychologist Daniel Goleman proposed a popular definition of self-awareness in his best-selling book “Emotional Intelligence,” as “knowing one’s internal states, preference, resources, and intuitions.”In this episode, I cover the following key areas (with some rough timings).0 mins to 3mins - Intro3 mins to 6:40 mins – Extracts from books and articles6:40 mins to 13 mins – What is Self-Awareness13 mins to 18:30 mins – Examples of Self-Awareness18:30 mins to 25 mins – Awareness v Self-Awareness25 mins to 35:45 mins – Self-ConsciousnessBooks mentioned:21 rules for the 21st century – Yuval Noah HarrariEmotional Intelligence – by Daniel GolemanIf you’re interested in more details on what was covered in th

  • Me, mySELF, & EI Part 5 - Why Self-Awareness is Important & How to Develop it? - EP164

    30/04/2020 Duration: 53min

    Hi again & welcome to the series on Emotional Intelligence.0 mins to 7:30 mins – Why it’s important and Benefits7:30 mins to 12:30 mins – Why it’s so hard to be self-aware?12:30 mins – 21.30 min – Concepts of interests20:30 min – 28 min – Self-Awareness Examples28 mins to 53 min – How to Develop Self-Awareness53 mins to close – Wrap upBooks mentioned:Emotional Intelligence – by Daniel GolemanTasha Eurich - InsightsLinks to follow:studyconfirmation biasOther Ways to increase Self-awareness – from article https://nickwignall.com/self-awareness/https://hbr.org/2018/01/what-self-awareness-really-is-and-how-to-cultivate-itEmotional Capital Report - https://www.rochemartin.com/tools/emotional-capital-report-ecr/https://coachcampus.com/coach-portfolios/power-tools/corina-pall-self-awareness-vs-self-consciousness/Kahneman – Self-awareness - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgRlrBl-7YgIf you’re interested in more details on what was covered in this episode, would like to explore your own Emotional Intelligence deep

  • Me, mySELF, & EI Part 3 - Understanding 'The Self' with Dr. Zelda Di Blasi - EP162

    30/04/2020 Duration: 51min

    Hi again & welcome to the series on Emotional Intelligence.As I was putting together the outline of all the areas of focus for this series, it became obvious that before going into self-awareness, self-confidence and all other aspects of ‘self’, it would be valuable to dive into what is ‘self’ in it’s own right. To have self understood first before going further was my goal with this episode.Thanks for John McCarthy, head of Applied Psychology at UCC, I was connected with Dr. Zelda Di Blasi, and we recently recorded this one over zoom, all about ‘Self’.About Dr. Di BlasiDr Zelda Di Blasi, MPsychSc, PhD, CPsychol (BPS) is co-director of the MA in Positive & Coaching Psychology. After completing her Masters in Health Psychology at University College Galway, founded by the Medical Research Council, Zelda completed her PhD/DPhil in Health Sciences at the University of York on the placebo effect and health care interactions.Her interest in Positive Psychology evolved during her Post-Doctorate in Integrativ

  • Me, mySELF, & EI part 2 - Why is Emotional Intelligence Important, High Performance & the Ego! - EP161

    30/04/2020 Duration: 47min

    Hi again & welcome to the series on Emotional Intelligence.In this episode, I cover the following key areas (with some rough timings).0 mins to 3min Why is EI Important3 mins to 20 mins – Applied EI & Examples20 mins to 23:40 – EQ and High Performance23:40mm – 31:51 – EQ, Ego and Leadership31 min to 45mins – How to develop EQ samples and Wrap upLinks to pieces references:Books mentioned:From the Book Ego v EQ - How Top Leaders Beat 8 Ego Traps with Emotional Intelligence – Jen ShirkaniIf you’re interested in more details on what was covered in this episode, would like to explore your own Emotional Intelligence deeper, I’d be happy to discuss this further and look at coaching opportunities.Please do get in touch via email at Rob@robofthegreen.ie or connect in over any of the social channels - @robofthegreen

  • Me, mySELF, & EI part 1 - What is Emotional Intelligence? - EP160

    30/04/2020 Duration: 34min

    Welcome to Me, mySELF, & EI - a podcast series helping you better understand, control & develop your emotions, and the emotions of others! In this series introduction episode, I cover the following with rough timings:0m to 11m –Why release a podcast on Emotional Intelligence11m – 14m – The Story of Phinus Gage14m to 16:30m – What is EI & EQ?16:30m to 21:20m – Science of EI21:20m to 26:31m – EI Frameworks26:30m to 29:25m – IQ v EQLinks to pieces references:5W Public Relations, Emotional intelligenceBooks mentioned:Emotional Intelligence by Daniel GolemanFrom the Book Ego v EQ - How Top Leaders Beat 8 Ego Traps with Emotional Intelligence – Jen ShirkaniIf you’re interested in more details on what was covered in this episode, would like to explore your own Emotional Intelligence deeper, I’d be happy to discuss this further and look at coaching opportunities.Please do get in touch via email at Rob@robofthegreen.ie or connect in over any of the social channels - @robofthegreen

  • Me, mySELF, & EI Part 0 - What to expect!

    29/04/2020 Duration: 05min

    Just a quick promo about the new series on Emotional Intelligence coming out on Friday next.

  • Darragh Greene – Longford Olympian, Late Blooming, & Restting Goals – EP159!

    24/04/2020 Duration: 51min

    Darragh Greene is an Irish professional swimmer from Longford. He was the first Irish athlete to qualify for the Tokyo Olympics and will compete in the 100 meter and 200 meter breaststroke at the games.In this one we cover a lot of ground and I was very keen to get an understanding of the focus, commitment, dedication and sacrifices that Darragh has made to get to the level he’s now at. As he says himself, he’s a late bloomer and if he keeps up the rate at which his improving and continues to shave off milliseconds and keep breaking his PBs, then he’ll be in serious contention next summer when the games come around.I’ve listed below a summary of our conversation. Enjoy this one, folks.Summary:Moving from hard training to stopping due to COVI19Preparing for the Irish trials but stoppedPre-validation at world championshipsTargeting 8 swimmers for Ireland at this OlympicsWhy did Darragh specialise in swimming – after breaking his leg lead him to thisWhy Swimming?How big of an influence your dad was? (tried to ge

  • Siobhán Murray – Dealing with Burnout & Building Resilience – EP158

    17/04/2020 Duration: 59min

    Siobhan is an accredited psychotherapist, certified life-coach, experienced public speaker, trainer and best-selling author – The Burnout SolutionShe helps people to overcome overwhelm, burnout and manage the demands of their personal and professional roles; learn how to embrace self-care and how to navigate living in a chaotic world; hone their authentic leadership style so they can make a difference and thrive in their work. She supports all clients to find meaning and purpose, manage life transitions; navigate complex personal and professional change and build their resilience and resourcefulness so they can achieve their full potential.In this episode, Siobhan focuses on dealing with stress, burnout, building resilience and lots more. Here’s a list of the topics discussed:•How to manage yourself to avoid burnout before it happens •Recovery from burnout is hardcore •Burnout is not purely occupational •Burnout can be related to a personality type •Burnout from doing something you didn’t love is a myth•Perso

  • Declan O'Connell - Coaching Individuals & Teams for High Performance - EP157

    10/04/2020 Duration: 01h10min

    Declan is an experienced professional coach, trainer, and facilitator. His areas of expertise include high performance, leadership, mental toughness, career management, and team developmentDeclan brings a true passion for his coaching, offering a customised approach that targets the specific developmental needs of those with whom he works with. Declan offers bespoke training interventions derived from a detailed Organisational Needs Analysis. These interventions include bespoke leadership and management development programmes; team development programmes; and personal development and self-awareness programmes for general staff.Declan can cater for all organisational levels from C-Suite, Directors, Middle Management, New-to-Management and Graduates.Declan’s approach is focused on developing a trusted partnership with his clients through a challenging but supportive, empathetic style. He fully believes in the power of people’s potential and his approach is centred on supporting his clients navigate and achieve

  • Charlotte Labee - Finding Brain Balance - EP156!

    02/04/2020 Duration: 48min

    Charlotte Labee is an expert on Brain Balance and she’s been helping others get their brain in balance for the last few years. I was delighted to have her on the podcast to talk about exactly what the means and how you can take steps towards it. Charlotte’s story is a very interesting one. From modelling, to entrepreneurship, to TV presenting and now building out a successful career in wellness. Like all of us, she experienced peaks and troughs. Success and setbacks. She has developed her own approach and model that helps and encourages people to experience immediate results. She gives lectures and training sessions in an accessible and enthusiastic way, using theory to support her practical experience.During the interview, Charlotte talks about her life lessons, learnings, and turning points that have lead her to where is is now. A summary of the discussion is below:•Building a large following on social media with her current Brain Balance work•Tapping into wellness and brain balance•Charlotte’s early life –

  • Peter Kalmus - Making Climate Change Real & Learning from Coronavirus - EP155

    27/03/2020 Duration: 59min

    Peter Kalmus – Making Climate Change Real & Learning from Coronavirus – EP155 Hello there & welcome to this week’s 1% Better interview. This is the First interview proper of S4. During the off season, following some Climate Change news, I noticed the name Peter Kalmus popping up regularly – when I read more about him, I was fascinated by his career story as well as his activism.When we did record – 2nd March I think things were heating up on COVID19 with Italy getting bad but nothing yet in Ireland, and very little elsewhere in Europe and US. Things have changed since so it was good we had the opportunity to discuss Coronavirus and how we could learn from it in the climate change movement. Please do share this one broad and wide….if you disagree or would like to add more to it, get in touch too. Just to note, Peter was speaking on his own behalf and his views and opinions. I’ve shared links to climate activists groups at the end. But for now, here is a summary of the topics covered in the podcast.Intr

  • Listeners’ Voices, Change Curves, & Emotional Smarts! – EP154

    20/03/2020 Duration: 43min

    Welcome to the season 4 launch of 1% Better!0 – 6 mins : IntroductionHi there…and welcome to the start of the new season of 1% Better.Now to say things are different to when season 3 ended or when I last shared an episode would be an understatement. A big one. In this launch show, I touch on what’s going on in the world as of the time of recording (18th March 2020) with COVID19, Coronavirus, and Social Distancing very much the words of the time. I touch on everything going on in my head about what’s happening and also point to how we can start to adapt to this change in a more positive, proactive light! And how listening to podcasts can help. I also talk about my hopes of talking with some experts on infectious diseases, research and work ongoing on tests and vaccines as well as talking with some that have recovered from the disease.6 mins to 13 mins – Off-season RecordingDuring the off-season, I’ve been busy recording new shows, researching and creating content for more solo episodes and spending a lot of ti

  • Cynthia Johnson - Entrepreneurship & Personal Branding - 1% Better in 864 - EP153

    28/02/2020 Duration: 22min

    Hi folks, This is one from the 864 show I did back in 2018 that you probably haven't heard so releasing it now on 1% Better. Hope you enjoy. Details of the conversation below:Cynthia Johnson is an American entrepreneur, marketing professional, SEO specialist, columnist and public speaker. She is a co-founder of Ipseity Media and previously served as the director of brand development of American Addiction Centers (AAC). She is currently member of the Forbes Agency Council and advisory board for the Millennium Alliance. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, Cynthia was one of the 10 Personal Branding Experts to Follow, in 2017 Her work has been featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, Huffington Post, TIME, and several other industry specific publications. Below is a summary of the questions and topics we cover in this 15 minute podcast.Q1 30secs – What stands out the most?•Entrepreneurship portion – learning so much from this Q2 1mins – Born with or learned? •It’s an energy that you develop and be exposed to Q3 2mins –

  • 1% Better Season 3 Best Bits - Part 2! EP152

    14/02/2020 Duration: 26min

    Hi all,I’ve been delighted with the response from ‘the best bits part 1’ and have seen an increase in downloads on the selected episodes from last week as a result. Now, just to reiterate, you should listen to every episode from Season 3 (and 2 and 1)….not just these 10. Over the week, I was changing ones that should make this list but it’s a thankless task. Every person I chatted to have a story to share and a lesson learned that you will take something from. I mean that. My reason behind this --- Pretty much before approaching any guest I ask myself – why do I want to talk to this person? If I can’t easily answer that….I don’t go further. If it’s not authentic and you can’t tell that I’m interested, then you’re not going to like listening. That’s my #1 rule. It hugely helps when compiling the questions too. Anyway, here are the next & final 5 clips from season 3. 1.First up is psychologist and author Barry Schwartz 138. Author of ‘The Paradox of Choice’. Barry Schwartz is an American psychologist, profe

  • 1% Better Season 3 Best Bits - Part 1! EP151

    07/02/2020 Duration: 26min

    Hi all,As I bring the curtain down on season 3 of 1% Better, a season that included over 50 shows, and has been running for 11 months, I thought it would be a good idea to pull out some of clips from some of the stand out shows of the season. This wasn’t easy and in the end I practically picked them at random. I’ve decided to go for 10 clips over 2 short episodes. I hope you enjoy it. Below has a short summary of each guest/interview and a link to the full episode on the site. Thanks for support in season 3. Season 4 is already underway recording wise and deep in planning. Here are the five from today’s show1.Ma Anand Sheela episode 100Ma Anand Sheela. Sheela came to prominence recently from the Netflix documentary Wild Wild Country. That’s when I learned about her. However many of you listening might have first heard of her back in the early 1980s when she was the secretary of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, latterly known as Osho.The documentary blew my mind and I was struck by Sheela’s personality, devotion for Bh

  • Mel Parker – Leadership Force Multipliers, the Trifecta of Hope, & Chasing the Fire! - EP150

    30/01/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Mel Parker is CEO of Take the Limits off. He’s also an ex-Airborne Ranger in the US military and has been facing his fears all his lifeI had the pleasure of meeting Mel in person last year as he delivered a day’s training on Emotional Intelligence. I knew straight away that he would be a great guest to have on the podcast to talk about his leadership journey. His book, The Parker Principles, 10 Leadership Force Multipliers, is full of useful interesting insights from his experiences over the years. We talk about many of these in this episode. Here is a summary of the topics covered in our conversation•Mel’s background in leadership •Growing up on a pig and tobacco farming•Raised by a single mother and a very close connection with his grandmother•Being ‘resource challenged’ and considered below the poverty link•Having a grandmother with a tremendous amount of Faith!•With enough hard work and education, opportunities could exist for anyone!•Always believing there will be a better tomorrow – if you put in the ti

  • Alexander Baburin - Becoming Grandmaster, Talent v Hard Work, & Planning as a Key to Success! EP149

    24/01/2020 Duration: 01h08min

    In this week’s episode I talk with Alexander Baburin, Ireland’s only Chess Grandmaster currently. I’ve always had an interest in Chess – playing badly but the strategy, the history, and the focus required be a great chess player!The podcast gives me a wonderful opportunity to talk with experts in their fields and I was delighted when Alexander agreed to come on and talk about the world of chess and his career. Here is a summary of the topics we discussed during the episode. I hope you enjoy!Summary Topics:•The 10,000 hour rule and the Grandmaster •Hard work v Talent •Bounce, Matthew Zayed and deliberate practice•Playing the Polgar sisters – 2 making grandmasters and 1 international master•Women Grandmaster titles and full Grandmasters •Growing up in Russia (Gorky) •Discovering Chess at the age of 7 and being taught the rules by his dad •Joining a Chess club in school and quickly realising this was something he really liked •3-4 years later, becoming seriously hooked and starting to play 10+ hours per week•Ea

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