1% Better

Me, mySELF, & EI part 1 - What is Emotional Intelligence? - EP160



Welcome to Me, mySELF, & EI - a podcast series helping you better understand, control & develop your emotions, and the emotions of others! In this series introduction episode, I cover the following with rough timings:0m to 11m –Why release a podcast on Emotional Intelligence11m – 14m – The Story of Phinus Gage14m to 16:30m – What is EI & EQ?16:30m to 21:20m – Science of EI21:20m to 26:31m – EI Frameworks26:30m to 29:25m – IQ v EQLinks to pieces references:5W Public Relations, Emotional intelligenceBooks mentioned:Emotional Intelligence by Daniel GolemanFrom the Book Ego v EQ - How Top Leaders Beat 8 Ego Traps with Emotional Intelligence – Jen ShirkaniIf you’re interested in more details on what was covered in this episode, would like to explore your own Emotional Intelligence deeper, I’d be happy to discuss this further and look at coaching opportunities.Please do get in touch via email at Rob@robofthegreen.ie or connect in over any of the social channels - @robofthegreen