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Dr. Tasha Eurich - Internal & External Self-Awareness & The Dinner of Truth - Me, mySELF, & EI Part 7 - EP166



Tasha Eurich, Ph.D., is an Organisational Psychologist, researcher, and New York Times bestseller. She’s the author of two awesome books (Bankable Leadership and Insights) and her TED talks have been viewed in the tens of millions of times. So, I was thrilled when she agreed to be a guest on the show. It was without a doubt one of my favorite conversations I’ve had in this entire podcasting learning journey so far. The timing was perfect too as it aligns up excellently with the Me, mySELF, & EI series as we continue to deep dive into the area of Self-Awareness.The interview is absolutely packed with insights Tasha has discovered from her own career journey as well as from the research she’s done for her books and from her consulting and executive coaching practice that she’s been running for the last decade. I could have written a small book from the notes I took during the edit of this one but here are some of the key points & takeaways:•Earliest Memory from the age of 6 with her mother following her