1% Better

1% Better Season 3 Best Bits - Part 1! EP151



Hi all,As I bring the curtain down on season 3 of 1% Better, a season that included over 50 shows, and has been running for 11 months, I thought it would be a good idea to pull out some of clips from some of the stand out shows of the season. This wasn’t easy and in the end I practically picked them at random. I’ve decided to go for 10 clips over 2 short episodes. I hope you enjoy it. Below has a short summary of each guest/interview and a link to the full episode on the site. Thanks for support in season 3. Season 4 is already underway recording wise and deep in planning. Here are the five from today’s show1.Ma Anand Sheela episode 100Ma Anand Sheela. Sheela came to prominence recently from the Netflix documentary Wild Wild Country. That’s when I learned about her. However many of you listening might have first heard of her back in the early 1980s when she was the secretary of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, latterly known as Osho.The documentary blew my mind and I was struck by Sheela’s personality, devotion for Bh