1% Better

Lorraine Shine - How to be Successful in the Interview Process? - EP167



This one is definitely for the times we’re in where so many people are now back on the job marketing looking for work. It many cases, they have not had to ‘do up’ their CV/resume in a long time or have had to prepare for an interview either. So, I thought it would be very worthwhile to have Lorraine Shine, Founder and CEO Career and Interview Success, to come on to the show and walk you through the entire process from start to finish. Lorraine provides complete career management support from A-Z ranging from Career Direction/ Career Transition Coaching to the practicalities of CV updating and tailoring, Job Search Strategies and Interview skills.While we tried to cover as much as we could in the time allotted, I’m sure you’ll still have some questions I didn’t ask. No worries. Lorraine’s details are at the end of the notes and how to connect in with her. We could also do a live Q&A follow up if that’s something of interest. Do get in touch.Outlined below is the main sections and topics covered during the