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Me,mySELF, & EI Part 6 - Self-Assessments & Emotional Capital Reports with John Broderick - EP165



Hope you’re enjoying the series so far.Up to now, we’ve covered a general primer on EI, an interview on SELF, and then 2 Parts on Self-Awareness (with another interview to come soon on this topic).Now today – it’s all about self-assessment – and finding out what your EQ (score) or in this case the ECR is. It’s very important to get a baseline – where you’re at!!My Guest is John Broderick, a Founding Director of Roche Martin Ltd.John Broderick is a consulting psychologist with considerable experience in assessment, training, coaching and teaching in emotional intelligence assessment, leadership development and psychometrics.He is a qualified trainer in a range of psychometric tools, the Emotional Capital Report (ECR) and ECR360, the MMPI-2, & NEO personality Inventory. Along with his Australian colleague and business partner, Dr Martyn Newman, he has spearheaded training in Emotional Intelligence, leadership and professional coaching in Ireland.He is a founding Director of Roche Martin Ltd, a leadership de