1% Better

Charlotte Labee - Finding Brain Balance - EP156!



Charlotte Labee is an expert on Brain Balance and she’s been helping others get their brain in balance for the last few years. I was delighted to have her on the podcast to talk about exactly what the means and how you can take steps towards it. Charlotte’s story is a very interesting one. From modelling, to entrepreneurship, to TV presenting and now building out a successful career in wellness. Like all of us, she experienced peaks and troughs. Success and setbacks. She has developed her own approach and model that helps and encourages people to experience immediate results. She gives lectures and training sessions in an accessible and enthusiastic way, using theory to support her practical experience.During the interview, Charlotte talks about her life lessons, learnings, and turning points that have lead her to where is is now. A summary of the discussion is below:•Building a large following on social media with her current Brain Balance work•Tapping into wellness and brain balance•Charlotte’s early life –