1% Better

Me, mySELF, & EI part 2 - Why is Emotional Intelligence Important, High Performance & the Ego! - EP161



Hi again & welcome to the series on Emotional Intelligence.In this episode, I cover the following key areas (with some rough timings).0 mins to 3min Why is EI Important3 mins to 20 mins – Applied EI & Examples20 mins to 23:40 – EQ and High Performance23:40mm – 31:51 – EQ, Ego and Leadership31 min to 45mins – How to develop EQ samples and Wrap upLinks to pieces references:Books mentioned:From the Book Ego v EQ - How Top Leaders Beat 8 Ego Traps with Emotional Intelligence – Jen ShirkaniIf you’re interested in more details on what was covered in this episode, would like to explore your own Emotional Intelligence deeper, I’d be happy to discuss this further and look at coaching opportunities.Please do get in touch via email at Rob@robofthegreen.ie or connect in over any of the social channels - @robofthegreen