The official podcasts of!
The Space Q&A - Episode 3
01/06/2013 Duration: 49minJonny and Scott are back for more space talk, and this time it's all about rocket science! We go through a real college quiz, one question at a time, and many fun topics in rocketry are covered along the way. If you'd like to play along, try taking the quiz for yourself before listening to the show: As always, big thanks to Scott for hosting and editing this show, which originally appeared as a bonus segment for NWR Connectivity. We hope to keep doing this series, and you can help by sending in your own space questions, or posting them in the comments below.
Box Office Poison: Episode 56
31/05/2013 Duration: 01h45minBOP's back, and this time it's in Boulder! That's right, folks, this is the first ever Box Office Poison where Mike, Jon, Jonny, Stan and myself sat at the same table to discuss what we've seen in the wide world of film. And what a world it is, with films like Fast & Furious 6, Star Trek Into Darkness and Iron Man 3 brought up in the first segment. Then, in the second segment, we go over the strangely hypnotic Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, Jonny's pick for Movie of the Month. Have something to say for next episode's Post Office Poison? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) and in the comments section on the site. And we could surely use your help with a rating and review on iTunes. Thanks for listening, folks! See you again soon for another Boulder recording, Rough Draught!
Rough Draught: Rocky Mountain Drunk
28/05/2013 Duration: 01h10minHey everyone, and welcome to Rough Draught: The Beer Appreciation Show! A very special occasion took place over Memorial Day Weekend - Jonny Metts put up Jon Rind, Mike Sklens, Stan Ferguson and myself in Boulder, CO as we recorded a handful of podcasts for Crosstawk (and one for The first episode we recorded was none other than this very show at Southern Sun Brewpub. When we told them we were looking for a semi-quiet space to start the show, they decided to blow our minds with free samples of all 20 of their beers. So we discussed all of them, not only making this the first Rough Draught to have draught beers, but the most beers we've ever talked about in a single discussion. I hope you enjoy this one - it's probably my favorite episode of Rough Draught yet. And please, if you find yourself in the Boulder/Denver area, make the trip to Southern Sun on 627 South Broadway. It'll be worth the trek, I promise. Keep an eye on this feed, everyone! We've still got two more Crosstawk shows t
Frozen North Dinnercast 21: Preadapted for Alcoholism
28/05/2013 Duration: 01h55minThis episode of the Frozen North Dinnercast is too big to believe. It's a whopping two hours long, and all 120 minutes that is a complete and utter waste of your time, but you know you want it. Although it wasn't the case when this was recorded, the Frozen North has now thawed, and future episodes may yet take place in outdoor venues. It's a scary time. Many things are discussed, as usual: farting at the office, Seven Psychopaths (some spoilers, kinda), Marcus' beat-ass Saturn, Courtney's obsession with Forrest Gump, and various other...nonesensical things. Hey, you like the show, right? Drop up an email to let us know at, or on Twitter @zmiller1902, @Marchaos1, or even @Crosstawk! Crazy, right? You can also go to the website ( and leave comments on the episode's post. That's just nuts. NUTS! THE FUTURE, PEOPLE! So yeah, do that. And...join us next time, when Marcus says "I'm not wearing any pants."
Box Office Poison: Episode 55
14/05/2013 Duration: 02h05minWelcome back to Box Office Poison: The Podcast All About Movies and Movie Things! Stan couldn't make it this time, but Mike, Jon, Jonny and myself are very pleased to bring you yet another action-packed episode! We start things off with Iron Man 3 before getting to such films as Upstream Color, Kumare, Limitless and The Best of Both Worlds. Then, in the second segment, it's time for another Post Office Poison wherein Zach talks about dinosaurs (surprise!), Buttle asks us about bad endings, Oswald asks about our favorite documentaries, Terry wants to know our favorite countries for foreign film output and we wrap up with Gillian probing for our thoughts on film criticism. Want to hear your email read aloud during Post Office Poison? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) and in the comments section on the site. And be sure to head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review - we really need more of those! Thanks for listening, folks. Be sure to tune in next time when we record
Discover Music Project: Episode 57
07/05/2013 Duration: 01h46minJonny and guest Andy Goergen are back for more DMP with an exciting young musician named Sufjan Stevens. We always aim for diverse playlists, but this one might be one of the craziest ones yet. It starts with incredibly complex arrangements, moves into reflective acoustic songs, and ends up in electronic territory and Christmas songs. Somewhere in there is one of the best Bob Dylan covers ever recorded. Through it all, you'll get Sufjan's delicate vocals and intelligent lyrics, plus over a dozen instruments all played by the man himself. This is unclassifiable music, and we encourage you to stay on the ride until it comes to a complete stop. Here are the songs: 1. Chicago (Come On, Feel the Illinoise!) 2. Come On! Feel the Illinoise! (Come On Feel the Illinoise!) 3. John Wayne Gacy, Jr. (Come On Feel the Illinoise!) 4. For the Widows in Paradise, For the Fathers in Ypsilanti (Greetings From Michigan - The Great Lakes State) 5. To Be Alone With You (Seven Swans) 6. Ring Them Bells (I'm Not Here Soundtrack) 7.
Box Office Poison: Episode 54
04/05/2013 Duration: 01h55minHey folks, sorry for the delay, but this episode is more than worth the wait! This time, the whole crew is back to talk about To the Wonder, Trance, Detropia, the James Bond films and more! Then, in the second segment, we discuss Jon's pick for Movie of the Month: Who Framed Roger Rabbit! Did we all enjoy the nostalgic look at film noir and animation's glory days or did we subject the film to the dreaded "dip?" You'll have to listen to find out! Next month is Jonny's pick: Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, which we'll all be watching together in Boulder, Colorado! Want to write in for next episode's Post Office Poison? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) and the comments section on the site. And please head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review! See you guys next week for another new BOP!
Rough Draught: Home to Roost
01/05/2013 Duration: 01h40minHello and welcome to a brand new episode of Rough Draught: The Beer Appreciation Show! This one's a little late, but it's very much worth listening to! With my recent move to the City of Broad Shoulders, we should hopefully start getting new episodes of Rough Draught on a much more consistent basis. This time, Jon and I are joined by returning guests Katie and Erik to discuss Pipeworks Hyper Dog Milk Stout, Uinta Crooked Line Sea Legs Baltic Porter (and it's a mouthful!), Ommegang Three Philosophers and New Belgium Ranger IPA! We also get some interestin Tales Told Drunk of Erik's magical ride into the Mexican desert, which you're sure to enjoy. Have a beer you want us to try? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And come back later this week for a new BOP! Thanks for listening, folks!
FND 20: Diaper Rash for Adults
27/04/2013 Duration: 01h14minHowdy, folks! You can blame the show's extended absence on the fact that Zach was back in the hospital for eight days. Before that, he was sick. After that, he was recovering. That's his story and he's sticking to it! This episode brings us the usual banter, including a lengthy discussion of Quentin Tarantino movies (inspired by Box Office Poison's last Movie of the Month), future TMNT roles for Nicolas Cage, Denny's, Marcus being super drunk at Denny's, and what an excellent actress Megan Fox is. Like the show? How could you not? Comment on the show in the show notes or shoot us an email at! Follow Marcus and Zach on Twitter (@Marchaos1 & @zmiller1902), and while you're at it, rate and review us on iTunes!
Box Office Poison: Episode 53
12/04/2013 Duration: 01h33minWelcome back to a new BOP! This time, Mike and Stan couldn't make it so Karl, Jon and Jonny discuss the wide world of cinema all by their lonesome. In the first segment, they talk Spring Breakers, Room 237, Jurassic Park 3D and more! Then, in the second segment we dive into Post Office Poison to talk about Funny Games (US), a rebuttle of Jonny's review of Oz, Practical Effects vs CG, the relative quality of MmBOP and who we'd have direct a BOP movie. Want to be featured on the next Post Office Poison? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) and in the comments section on the site. And head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating/review - we could definitely use some more! Thanks for listening, guys!
Discover Music Project: Episode 56
01/04/2013 Duration: 01h28minStan is back together for this "requested request" episode, as a listener helps Jonny brush up on his David Bowie acumen. It's a long and complex story, and much of Bowie's music and lifestyle have been controversial through the decades. You're sure to find much of interest and adoration in our selections for this legendary performer. Here are the songs: 1. Changes (Hunky Dory) 2. Valentine's Day (The Next Day) 3. Starman (The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust) 4. Ziggy Stardust (The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust) 5. Diamond Dogs (Diamond Dogs) 6. Young Americans (Young Americans) 7. Modern Love (Let's Dance) 8. Breaking Glass (Low) 9. Sound + Vision (Low) 10. Beauty and the Beast (Heroes) 11. V-2 Schneider (Heroes) 12. Life on Mars? (Hunky Dory) 13. Magic Dance (Labyrinth Soundtrack -- Single) Encore: Seona Dancing - "Bitter Heart" (Single) Note: For more information about the encore, please see the full blog post for this episode at
Box Office Poison: Episode 52
31/03/2013 Duration: 01h45minHey, folks, and welcome back to BOP! This time, we discuss plenty of movies in the first segment, including Oz the Great and Powerful, The Bitter Buddha, Snow on Tha Bluff and more! Then, in the second segment, we get into Mike's pick for Movie of the Month: Jackie Brown! Did the film live up to its pedigree is or is this a bit of a letdown from the great Quentin Tarantino? You'll have to listen in to find out! I should note that we had some pretty bad audio issues on Stan's end for the second segment. There was a great deal of static on his recording, so unfortunately, while the rest of us can be heard with normal clarity, you may have some difficulty hearing him. It's still a great segment very much worth listening to, though, so be sure to tune in! Next month, Jon's got us watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Thanks for listening, folks!
Box Office Poison: Episode 51
21/03/2013 Duration: 01h12minAfter a delay, the BOP crew is back! Mike had ot sit this one out, but the rest of us got down and dirty talking about Side Effects, seeing a live taping of Doug Loves Movies, the Dave Grohl-directed Sound City, Buckaroo Banzai and some Matrix ripoff called The Thirteenth Floor. Then, in the second segment, it's time for some Post Office Poison where we answer YOUR listener mail, including questions about the Academy Awards, our thoughts on Sexy Beast, directors we'd like to have on the show and whether movies are still as good now as they used to be. Have something to ask for Post Office Poison? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And please head on over to iTunes and leave us a rating or review. That's the best way to get the word out on the show. Thanks for listening, guys!
Rough Draught: Back In the Windy City
16/03/2013 Duration: 01h23minSurprise! Box Office Poison is going to be coming out a bit late (likely early on Monday), so in the mean time, enjoy a brand new episode of the Beer Appreciation Show, Rough Draught! This time, Jon and I are back in Chicago, and we're enjoying a few new brews, including the Goose Island Matilda, Revolution's Coup D'Eta Saison and Left Coast's Asylum. There are also plenty of great bar and restaurant recommendations for the Chicago, Boston and South Florida areas, oddly enough. Have something to tell Team Rough Draught? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And please head on over to iTunes and leave us a rating/review - we need more of those! Thanks for listening, everyone. See you on Monday for a new BOP!
Crosstawk Presents: The Space Q&A 2
12/03/2013 Duration: 35minIt's been a while, but the doc is back to answer more questions about space. From Soviet secrets to hyper-sleep, tweeting to commercialization, we cover a wide range of topics and still have plenty left for next time. Just like last time, this episode is hosted and edited by Scott Thompson and was originally presented as a bonus segment on NWR Connectivity. If you have any interest in video games, be sure to check our their weekly episodes! Big thanks to Scott for letting us rehost this content to reach even more curious listeners.
FND 19: Terrible, Terrible French Fries
11/03/2013 Duration: 01h02minBECAUSE NOBODY DEMANDED IT. It's a brand-spanking new episode of the Frozen North Dinnercast with the regular crew, back for more auditory abuse. We compare our food to penises, Nelson & Marcus recount a memorable night in California, Zach's evil plans involving Trinidad Scorpions, how much we hate Taylor Swift, and (for some gawdawful reason), The Walking Dead. Apparently everybody on the goddamn planet is yet again obsessed with zombies, but Zach refuses to cave. Just as Nelson and Courtney refuse to jump on the Twitter bandwagon, Zach refuses to give AMC the time of day. Maybe they could release new seasons of Mad Men more than once every TWO YEARS (I'm not bitter). Like the show? How could you not? Profess said love in an email, handwritten, scanned to a PDF, and sent to You can also leave a comment on this very post! We read everything we get, folks, so don't be shy. If you're one of the cool kids, you can follow Marcus (@Marchaos1) and Zach (zmiller1902) on Twitter, because Twit
Discover Music Project: Episode 55
05/03/2013 Duration: 01h26minJonny and Taylor return with another "R" episode -- this one is all about Radiohead! In contrast to the Rolling Stones episode, we designed this one as a primer to introduce the band's eclectic output for beginners. Even if you're familiar with the experimental British rock band, this show may introduce you to some unexplored material. Few music groups in the past twenty years are more influential, challenging, or sonically pleasing as Radiohead. Try to count how many times we say "beautiful" through this setlist of glorious songs: 1. Fake Plastic Trees (The Bends) 2. Paranoid Android (OK Computer) 3. Subterranean Homesick Alien (OK Computer) 4. How to Disappear Completely (Kid A) 5. Where I End and You Begin (Hail to the Thief) 6. Everything in Its Right Place (Kid A) 7. Pyramid Song (Amnesiac) 8. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (In Rainbows) 9. House of Cards (In Rainbows) 10. Separator (King of Limbs) 11. High and Dry (The Bends) Encore: Grizzly Bear - "Two Weeks" (Veckatimest)
Box Office Poison: Episode 50
28/02/2013 Duration: 03h12minIt's a Thursday miracle - BOP is out a day early! It's the big fiftieth episode extravaganza and we kick it off in style with an extended listener mail segment (AKA Post Office Poison). Then we get to town with our Top 5 Favorite Movies of Forever. This one's pretty meaty at well over 3 hours, but oh-so-worth it! And remember, folks, we're going to be doing Post Office Poison on a regualr basis now, so send your emails to to be heard on the next episode. Also remember to head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating and a review. You can also reach our ear via Twitter (@crosstawk) and the comments section on the site. It's been an awesome 50 episodes and I honestly think this is our best one yet. Hope you guys enjoy it!
Crosstawk Comics: Episode 22
25/02/2013 Duration: 01h01minCrosstawk Comics is back with a brand new episode! This time, Karl and Gus do another Marvel character profile focusing on the Master of Magnetism himself, Magneto! Listen in as we detail his progression from Holocaust victim to social radical to his constant flip-flopping between X-Man and X-Villain. For this month's tangent, we also went over DC's Vibe relaunch this month in the pages of his new solo series and Justice League of America. Have some thoughts of your own to share? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk or @gusslug) or in the comments section on the site. And when you're done there, head on over to iTunes and leave us a rating/review - we desperately need more of those! Thanks for listening, guys - come back later this week for BOP 50!
FND 18: Cloud's a Dick
25/02/2013 Duration: 54minIt was going to be the Gang of Four this week, but the audio file turned out horribly because two of the cast members were constantly moving between the kitchen and the dining table, talking all the way, so their voices are in a constant state of flux. Such is the risk when using a single microphone to record everything. The moral of the story? Stay in one place, people. That goes for me, too. But fear not! I've muddled together another Canned Episode for your listening pleasure. In this action-packed entry, Nelson, Marcus, and Zach talk about football (because it was still on), basketball, Jurassic Park 4, and Final Fantasy VII--a game Marcus beat, Nelson will never beat, and Zach will never find time to play (oh, the backlog). So enjoy this offering and, yes, I wish Courtney were here too.