
Box Office Poison: Episode 55



Welcome back to Box Office Poison: The Podcast All About Movies and Movie Things! Stan couldn't make it this time, but Mike, Jon, Jonny and myself are very pleased to bring you yet another action-packed episode! We start things off with Iron Man 3 before getting to such films as Upstream Color, Kumare, Limitless and The Best of Both Worlds. Then, in the second segment, it's time for another Post Office Poison wherein Zach talks about dinosaurs (surprise!), Buttle asks us about bad endings, Oswald asks about our favorite documentaries, Terry wants to know our favorite countries for foreign film output and we wrap up with Gillian probing for our thoughts on film criticism. Want to hear your email read aloud during Post Office Poison? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) and in the comments section on the site. And be sure to head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review - we really need more of those! Thanks for listening, folks. Be sure to tune in next time when we record