
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 870:40:39
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The official podcasts of!


  • Breaking BOP

    01/10/2013 Duration: 01h43min

    In a Very Special Episode of BOP, Karl and Stan break bad and sell meth from the back of an RV. 

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 65

    27/09/2013 Duration: 01h34min

    Hello and welcome to a brand new Box Office Poison! Jonny couldn't make it this time due to a fun trip to Germany, but we were lucky enough to bring in a very special guest: The Player One Podcast and Stream On Show's own Chris Johnston! It was CJ's first ever Crosstawk experience, but he was a blast to have on, as you'll see in our first segment where we discuss Gimme the Loot, The Muppet Movie, In a World, House of Wax, Tampopo and more! Then, in the second segment, we do some Post Office Poison and answer such questions as: - What are our favorite movie theaters?- What film best represents America?- What's the deal with limited releases?- What Christmas movies do we love?- What do we think of Inside Llewyn Davis? Want to hear your question answered on BOP? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) and in the comments section on the site. And please head on over to iTunes to leave a rating and review. Thanks for listening, folks! See ya next time! 

  • Athletic Awareness: Episode 7

    16/09/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    After taking a week off to recuperate from the Fawl Crawl, the Men of Muscles are back to delight your earholes with their dulcet tones. This time, they'll be tackling the epic debate of Jose Fernandez vs. The Braves. I don't know about you, but my money's on the one that isn't really a person. Have your own opinion on the subject? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And make sure you head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review. Thanks for listening, folks!

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 64

    16/09/2013 Duration: 01h49min

    BOP's back and ready to roll! Stan and Mike couldn't make it for this episode, so Jon, Karl and Jonny soldier on with movies like The Spectacular Now, Stories We Tell and Disconnect in the first segment, followed by our discussion of the Movie of the Month, Catch-22. Did we find Jon's pick a black comedic goldmine, or did it leave us wishing we'd taken our name off the flight manifest? You'll have to listen in to find out. Next month, we'll be discussing Jonny's pick, Peeping Tom. Remember to send in questions for Post Office Poison via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review. Thanks for listening, folks!

  • Athletic Awareness: Episode 6

    02/09/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    Labor Day doesn't mean shit to Crosstawk! It's Monday, and you know what that means: AAAAAATHHHLLLLEEEEETTTIIIIC AWAAAAAARENESSSSSSS! This time, the Men of Muscles discuss Notre Dame and all of its glory (or maybe the lack thereof?). You'll have to tune in to see if the Irish really will be fighting this season. Have a question for the dudes at AA? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. Thanks for listening!

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 63

    30/08/2013 Duration: 02h30min

    BOP's back and ready to entertain! This time, Mike Sklens couldn't make it and Stan could only attend the second segment. So to kick off the first segment, Karl, Jon and Jonny discuss The World's End, Drinking Buddies, Prince Avalanche, Titanic and more! Then, for Post Office Poison, we takcle such subjects as Day-and-Date VOD, erasing comic book movies from existence and whether watching Love, Actually makes you less of a man (Hint: it doesn't). Want to send in your own question for the BOP crew? Hit us up via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or the comments section on the site. Thanks for listening, folks!

  • Athletic Awareness: Episode 5

    26/08/2013 Duration: 01h06min

    It's Monday, and you know what that means: Aaaaathhleeeettiiiiic Awaaaaaaaarenessss! This time, Jesse and John are here to talk baseball and, for some reason, Gerard Depardieu. You'll have to listen in to find out why. Though even if you know why, you may not know *WHY*. Have a question for the Men of Muscles? Let them know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. Thanks for listening, folks! Be sure to come back on Friday for a new Box Office Poison!

  • Discover Music Project: Episode 58

    25/08/2013 Duration: 01h23min

    It's been a long summer without much DMP action, but this episode launches a new era of consistency for the show. At least, that's the plan. Jonny is back with first-time guest Nate Andrews to check off a longstanding request episode for The Replacements. This band has been incredibly influential on the world of music, yet never achieved much commercial success or widespread awareness. It's a perfect choice for Discover Music Project, and Nate is a great advocate. Listen as The Replacements evolve from hardcore punk band to underground 80s rock legends, always built on the witty lyrics and gravelly voice of Paul Westerberg. 1. Takin' a Ride (Sorry Ma, Forgot to Take Out the Trash) 2. Customer (Sorry Ma, Forgot to Take Out the Trash) 3. I Hate Music (Sorry Ma, Forgot to Take Out the Trash) 4. Shiftless When Idle (Sorry Ma, Forgot to Take Out the Trash) 5. Kids Don't Follow (Stink) 6. Color Me Impressed (Hootenanny) 7. Take Me Down to the Hospital (Hootenanny) 8. Within Your Reach (Hootenanny) 9. Unsatisfied (L

  • Athletic Awareness: Episode 4

    20/08/2013 Duration: 01h20min

    Welcome back to Athletic Awareness, folks! This episode, Jesse and John break open the show to a longer format to cover the awe-inspiring SummerSlam 2013! Starting with pre-show predictions and picking up after all's been said and done, if you have any love for wrestling, this is the episode of AA you need to be listening to! Have some questions for the Men of Muscles? Send 'em on over via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) and in the comments section on the site. And please head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review. Thanks for listening!

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 62

    16/08/2013 Duration: 01h13min

    Hello, Welcome, Salutations, and Guten Tag! BOP is back with more of your favorite movie podcast! Karl, Jon, and Jonny talk about Europa Report, We're The Millers, Man of Tai Chi, Magic Magic, and more. Then in the second segment Mike joins us to discuss his pick for Movie of the Month: the 1953 remake of House of Wax starring Vincent Price! Were we shaken to our hollow wax cores with terror? Did the 50s 3D envelop us into a horrifying hole of murder, mystery, and irrationaly tight corsets? You'll just have to listen to find out. Catch us again in two weeks for another episode where we'll be answering more listerner mail! Send in your questions, thoughts, concerns, and quibbles to, get at us on twitter (@crosstawk), or leave a comment on the website.  See ya soon!

  • Athletic Awareness: Episode 3

    12/08/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    It's Monday, and you know what that means: Aaaaaaaathleeeeeeettic Awaaaaaaaaareneesss! This week Jon Rind of BOP, Rough Draught and TAWK-112 fame joins Jesse and John to discuss such hot button issues as Johnny Manziel. Is he a football hero? Frankly, I don't know, because I don't know who Johnny Manziel is. I'm going to have to listen to this episode to find out. You're also in for a treat, because Jon's debuting a brand new segment on the ol' AA - "Should I Care?" Buzz on the street is that this segment brings the hot fire. Remember, folks, if you have any questions for the Men of Muscles, send 'em on over to, Twitter (@crosstawk) or plug 'em into the comment section on the site. And head on over to iTuens to leave us a rating/review. We'd surely appreciate it. Thanks for listening - we'll see you on Friday for a fresh Box Office Poison!

  • Athletic Awareness: Episode 2

    05/08/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    Jesse and John are back with more news about dudes with rippling, flexing muscles! There's plenty to discuss this week, including Fox News Hate Porn (not necessarily sports-related), A-Rod's possible banning from baseball, a bit of MMA talk and, finally, some talk on Aaron Hernandez's life being kind of like a Saliva song. Look, for all of you people out there who don't like sports, just listen to the first 30 seconds of this podcast. You'll be immediately sucked in. That is an ircon-clad guarantee! Thanks for listening, folks! If you have any questions or comments for the Athletic Awareness crew, send 'em to, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating/review. See you later this week!

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 61

    02/08/2013 Duration: 02h05min

    For the second time THIS WEEK, BOP is here to fulfill all of your movie and movie-thing needs! Karl, Mike, and the Jons go over The Wolverine, Only God Forgives, Crystal Fairy, Jaws, Pacific Rim and more! Then in the second segment we get into Post Office Poison and revisit our discussion on theater etiquette, talk a little Bakshi, go over what obscure comic properties we want turned into movies, times when a film changed our minds, and Stan chooses his next Movie of the Month even though he wasn't on the show! It's magic, I tell ya. Want to make some magic of your own? Send us in your thoughts and questions for the next installment of Post Office Poison to, Twitter (@crosstawk), or in the comments section of the site. And please head on over to iTunes to leave a rating/review. We'll see you next episode when we'll be discussing Mike's Movie of the Month: House of Wax! 

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 60

    29/07/2013 Duration: 01h56min

    Celebrating three great years, BOP is back and ready to roll! This time, Mike and Stan sit out the first segment, but Jon, Jonny and Karl discuss Pacific Rim, World War Z, Monsters University and This is the End in their absence. Then we return to a fivesome to discuss our Movie of the Month: Mulholland Drive. Was it Lynchian goodness or a whacked-out mess? You'll have to listen in to find out! For those of you playing at home, our next Movie of the Month is House of Wax (the 50s original!). Remember, folks, we need your comments and questions for Post Office Poison, so send it on over via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And please head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review - we really need some new ones! Thanks for listening, everybody. We'll see you later this week for more Crosstawk goodness!

  • Frozen North Dinnercast 23: Of Lins and Cods

    27/07/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    We've got another thrilling episode of the Frozen North Dinnercast, folks! This time, Courtney was too busy shopping to join us, so she was replaced (handily) by Zach's wife Gina and her brother, Justin! You may remember Justin from WAY back in Episode 11, when he discussed panda bears and why they're stupid. Today, we discuss things like fishing in Seward, that one movie with Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning, and old gaming memories. Also, Marcus ruins a few TV shows even though he insists that didn't happen (it did). Like the show? Email us and let us know at, or leave a comment on the website! You can also follow Marcus and Zach on Twitter--@Marchaos1 and @zmiller1902, respectively. See you next time, True Believers! 

  • Athletic Awareness: Episode 1

    23/07/2013 Duration: 56min

    Hey, folks! Welcome to a brand new Crosstawk series: Athletic Awareness! Those of you who have been listening to Crosstawk for a while may remember a show from a couple years back called Crosstawk Sports. If you do, then you'll remember Jesse Laier's pointed commentary and never-ending enthusiasm for the world of sports. Well, Jesse's back, and he's brought our good buddy Jon Cooke with him. Each episode, they'll go over their favorite happenings in the world of sports. In this debut episode, our two intrepid heroes discuss the wide and wonderful world of wrestling. Belive me, even if you're not a fan, you'll want to tune in here. Thank me later. Have questions for the Athletic Awareness crew? Send 'em on over via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And please head over to iTunes and leave us a rating/review. Thanks for listening, guys! Come back soon for a new episode of Box Office Poison!

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 59

    09/07/2013 Duration: 01h48min

    BECUASE YOU DEMANDED IT! Box Office Poison returns for its third episode in only nine days! We had a lot to catch up on, I suppose. Anyway, this is an awesome episode, folks. In the first segment, Jonny, Jon, Stan and Karl discuss Before Midnight, This is the End, A Band Called Death, The Running Man and even Nacho Libre (or Naco Libe if our show notes are to be beleived). Then, in the second segment, it's time for some Post Office Poison! You asked and we answered concerning: weak antagonists and their effects on the overall film, high-profile Kickstarter films, film trivia partners, worldbuilding and even a bit on theater etiquette. Remember, guys, we need YOU to do Post Office Poison, so hit us up via email (, Twitter (@crosstaw) or in the comments section on the site. And head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating/review. We need that shit! For reals.

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 58

    06/07/2013 Duration: 02h13min

    Back with another episode, it's Box Office Poison! This time, we've got plenty to discuss, including Man of Steel, This is the End, A Band Called Death, Francis Ha and even a bit on Scarface! Then, in the second segment, Stan shares his Movie of the Month: The Day After! Did we dig the nightmarish hellscape painted by the nuclear disaster film, or did it leave us dead inside? You'll have to listen to find out! Next month, it's my pick: David Lynch's Mulholland Drive! We're also going to need plenty of Post Office Poison, so write in at, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And please head on over to iTunes to leave a rating/review. We really need more of those! Thanks for listening, folks - we'll see you again this week for another BOP!

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 57

    01/07/2013 Duration: 01h56min

    This episode is crazy late, so my apologies, folks. But we're getting back on track! This time, Jon, Mike, Jonny and I discuss Place Beyond the Pines, Igby Goes Down, Winter's Bone, Castle in the Sky and more! Then, in the second segment, we go over some of your Post Office Poison with discussions on horror films, comic book film continuity, our favorite screenwriters, unlikeable characters and even films we like from directors we hate. Have some of your own Post Office Poison to contribute? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. Thanks for listening, guys! Come back later in the week for yet another episode of BOP!

  • FND 22: Exfoliation

    30/06/2013 Duration: 01h34min

    Reports of Crosstawk's untimely demise have been exaggerated. Not necessarily GREATLY exaggerated, but you know. This is the first episode of the Frozen North Dinnercast in a month, and for that I apologize, but you should know that it's a long show that will make up for any withdrawal you may be going through! Among the topics discussed are Dave Foley, smelly baby shits, smelly ADULT shits, and the Right to Bear Cheese. There is much hilarity! Email us at and let us know how awesome we are, or follow Marcus (@Marchaos1) and Zach (@zmiller1902) on Twitter. All you iTunes users should run--don't walk--to iTunes and rate and review us, as it helps new listeners find our horrible show. See you next time!

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