The official podcasts of!
Box Office Poison: Episode 4
15/10/2010 Duration: 01h25minThe crews' back with more movies and movie things! Once again, Evan Burchfield couldn't take time away from school, but we're still a five man team thanks to Rough Draugh's Jon Rind, who stepped in to guest star. This month there are a bunch of movies to talk about, from The Social Network to Biodome to Henry V to a Lifetime Original Movie (yep - that's right!). Our Movie of the Month this episode is 2007's I'm Not There. Telling stories in and around the mythology of Bob Dylan, there were a lot of different opinions, and I definitely think you'll enjoy the conversation. Next month we'll be tackling The Third man. is currently hosting a poll to get your thoughts on its programming as well as give you the chance to get first dibs on an upcoming series. All you have to do is include your email address in the submit form! And as always, send all of your thoughts and concerns to, follow us on Twitter (@crosstawk) and head over to iTunes to rate/review us. See you next week when R
Discover Music Project: Episode 2
10/10/2010 Duration: 01h10minThis week on Discover Music Project, Jonny and Mike return to turn the tables on the coversation. The first DMP was all about Jonny's favorite band, Phish, but it's time for Mike to educate Mr. Metts all about the finer points of Florida's own Less Than Jake. With tons of different tracks to listen to, you're in for a great crash course in the band's discography. If you've got any suggestions for future episodes of Discover Music Project, send 'em on over to While you're at it, make sure you're subscribed to the Crosstawk feed at iTunes, and once you are, go on ahead and rate/review us. You can also follow us on Twitter (@crosstawk) to get the latest news in what's going on with our various shows. Having said all of that, see you on Friday for Box Office Poison!
Crosstawk Presents: A Look at DJ Hero 2
08/10/2010 Duration: 18minHey folks, and welcome to the first episode of Crosstawk Presents. CP's basically going to be a catch-all for projects that don't really fit into one of our dedicated series. Think of them as a collection of one-offs. This recording was actually done while I was in San Francisco last month attending an Activision event for DJ Hero 2. I was actually there for, and though my detailed impressions can be found there, we didn't end up using this audio. So I figured I might as well release it for you guys! It's a bit on the short side, but seeing as how Crosstawk was going to be taking the week off anyway, I thought you might enjoy it. If you'd like to read the aforementioned impressions, they can be found here: As always, be sure to rate and review us on iTunes, follow us on Twitter (@crosstawk) and send in all of your emails to! With all of that said, see you next week when Box Office Poison returns!
Karl Teaches Kontinuity: Episode 2
03/10/2010 Duration: 01h05minKTK returns in its second episode to make sense of those strange, strange comic books! On this episode, Karl is joined by his older, Golden Age-ier brother, Gustavo Castaneda as they get deeper into the Silver Age and how it all came crashing down, from the death of Gwen Stacy to Crisis on Infinite Earths. When you're done listening, be sure to head on over to and read Karl's review of The Social Network, subscribe to Crosstawk's brand new Twitter feed and get a great new episode of Thoroughly Manly Musicals. And when you're done there, head on over to iTunes, rate and review us, and bring it all home with an email to We want to know what you think, so get off your butt and tell us! With that said, we'll see you next week, folks!
Discover Music Project: Episode 1
26/09/2010 Duration: 01h20minFrom the mind of Jonathan Metts comes's newest addition: Discover Music Project. In it, Jonny and Co. will discuss music that at least one person on the show isn't terribly familiar with. The hope is that, by playing the very best from that genre/band, they (as well as you, the listener) will expand their musical horizons. In this debut episode, Jonny's showing off one of his personal favorites, Phish, to Box Office Poison and Rough Draught's own Mike Sklens. You might have a lot of preconcieved notions about Phish (and their dirty hippy fans), but I think you'll be plenty surprised with how much there is to like. Here are a few links pertaining to things discussed in the show: - Beavis and Butthead Phish Crossover: - Endless Boundaries: - Phish Live in Miami in December 2009:,523/Phish-mp3-flac-download-12-28-2009-American-Airlines-Arena-Miami-FL.html - The Encore's Tribute Concert:ht
Box Office Poison: Episode 3
17/09/2010 Duration: 01h25minBox Office Poison returns! Evan couldn't make it this month, unfortunately, but Mike's back to round out the quartet along with Jonny, Stan and Karl. This episode, we discuss The Expendables, Machete, Tommy, Black Dynamite and a whole lot more. For our Movie of the Month feature, it was Stan's pick, so we all sat down and watched Jesus Christ Superstar, directed by Norman Jewison. Did this movie save us from the Hell that Caligula brought on, or is it another false messiah? You'll have to listen to find out. Next month we'll be watching: I'm Not There (2007). Don't forget to check out all of our other great Crosstawk shows, including the brand-new Thoroughly Manly Musicals and Karl Teaches Kontinuity. Also be sure to send all of your emails over to and rate/review us on iTunes. That being said, we'll see you next week, folks!
Karl Teaches Kontinuity: Episode 1
11/09/2010 Duration: 32minThis week you're in for a brand new show from Crosstawk: Karl Teaches Kontinuity. In it, I, Karl Castaneda, will go in-depth and explain all of the convoluted weirdness that is comic book continuity. For this first episode, we'll be getting into the various Ages of the comic book industry, starting with the Golden Age, and explaining the begining of the Silver Age. This is the first of a two-parter, so be sure to come back next time to hear the rest of the story. Also, don't forget to write in about any of Crosstawk's shows at and head on over to iTunes to rate and review us. We've had a few reviews show up recently, and the only way to get the word out is to write more. Next week Box Office Poison returns, so see you then!
TAWK Rewind: TAWK-112 Episode 13
03/09/2010 Duration: 01h03minHey there, folks! Crosstawk's taking the week off, so we'll be treating you to another re-release of the show that started it all, TAWK-112. On this episode, Karl, Jon, Casper and Tyler discuss Batman 3, James Bond, Bruno and bring it home with a discussion on what movies ought to be released under the Criterion Collection. And when you're done listening, be sure to head on over to to check out Thoroughly Manly Musicals, a site-exclusive video show from Stan Ferguson. With each iteration, Stan's going to be breaking down the good and the bad of a specific film, starting with Episode 1 on RENT. It's a fantastic show, so you don't want to miss it.
Box Office Poison: Episode 2
26/08/2010 Duration: 01h39minBox Office Poison returns! Mike Sklens couldn't make recording this month, but Karl, Jonny, Evan and Stan are back with tons of movies to discuss, from recent releases like Scott Pilgrim and The Kids Are All Right to classics like F For Fake and Twenty-Four Eyes to not-so-great outings like Across the Universe and Rent. In our second segment, our Movie of the Month for August is the infamous Caligula. Will the gang like the movie as much as Jonny does? You'll have to listen in to find out!
Rough Draught: Episode 3
20/08/2010 Duration: 57minRough Draught's back for more beers! This month, Mike wasn't available to record, but Karl and Jon pick up the slack with five brand new brews to try out. This episode, you'll hear tastings for Sam Adams Black Lager, Terrapin Gamma Ray, Victory Golden Monkey, Kasteel Donker and the Coney Island Human Blockhead Tough as Nails Lager! Be sure to go to to see pictures of each beer so that you'll recognize 'em in your liquor store! And also make sure you send in your questions/concerns/comments on any podcast to! See you next week, folks!
TAWK Rewind: TAWK-112 Episode 16
16/08/2010 Duration: 01h06minHey there, folks! Sorry for the late update this week. I just got back from a trip to New York / Philadelphia / New Jersey, and I haven't had much time to put anything together. I also know I promised "something special" this week, but that also unfortunately fell through. Never fear, though! This week you'll have another window into the past via the show that started it all, TAWK-112. Numbers have shown that you guys love this stuff, so feel free to dig right in. This week Karl, Jon, Casper, Jesse and guest star Logan discuss the early rumblings of the recent Predators movie, the worst remakes and sequels and get an email from a very special listener.
TAWK Rewind: TAWK-112 Episode 15
06/08/2010 Duration:'s taking the week off (again), but we'd never leave you hanging, so here's another classic from the show that started it all: TAWK-112. On this episode, Karl, Jon, Casper, Jesse, Matt and Phillip discuss vinyl sales being way up, give their first thoughts on the upcoming Green Lantern movie, review Observe & Report (which had just come out when Episode 15 was recorded) and bring it home with their Top 5 Guilty Pleasures. Oddly enough, the first few minutes of the show are dedicated to addressing technical difficulties, which would end up being the death of the show. On a lighter side, we finally got that website going! is what would've been, so in a way, we kept our promise. Come back next week for something special!
TAWK Rewind: TAWK-112 Episode 11
30/07/2010 Duration: 01h07minWith no new episodes to release this week, now's as good a time as ever to start re-releasing the best episodes of the podcast that inspired Crosstawk, TAWK-112. In it, Karl Castaneda hosts a panel consisting of his roommates (and regular co-hosts) Jon Rind, Michael Casper and Phillip Snyder, in addition to frequent guest stars like Tyler Craig and Jesse Laier. In Episode 11, the gang discusses the possibility of real-life mutants, a bunch of comics talk, and the Top 5 Things From Our Childhood That Are Still Awesome (aka '90s fuckyeah). Enjoy, and see you next week!
Box Office Poison: Episode 1
25/07/2010 Duration: 01h28minSo I'm really proud to present the latest addition to the family of podcasts: Box Office Poison. Each month, the crew and I will talk about what we've been seeing lately and then transition into a Movie of the Month, where one of us will pick a classic (or not-so-classic) gem for the whole group to watch. So who's on the show? Besides myself, we've got Mike Sklens (Rough Draught, formerly of Radio Free Nintendo), Jonathan Metts (Radio Free Nintendo), Evan Burchfield (formerly of Radio Free Nintendo) and Stan Ferguson (formerly of Radio Free Nintendo, God's Favorite Podcast). As for the Movie of the Month, it was Evan's pick, so we all took the time to watch North by Northwest, directed by the one-and-only Alfred Hitchcock. Aside from NXBW, you can also look forward to some Inception talk, The Red Shoes, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane and many others.
Rough Draught: Episode 2
06/07/2010 Duration: 01h02sJust as promised, here's the latest episode of Rough Draught, recorded a few days ago up in Tallahassee, FL. Jon Rind and Mike Sklens are back, along with TAWK-112's Michael Casper, our buddy Antonio Siqueira, and Mike's self-proclaimed-reluctant girlfriend, Amanda Albert. Recorded on the 3rd of July, we decided to celebrate the eve of the birth of our nation with some All-American brews made and sold right here in the States.
Rough Draught: Episode 1
05/06/2010 Duration: 01h12minSo after taking a trip up to Tallahassee, Florida last weekend, I'm ready to debut the first podcast of the all-new, all-awesome Crosstawk family. It's called Rough Draught, and I'm pretty excited about it. Each month, Jon Rind, Mike Sklens and myself will pick up three to four beers and then rate them for your listening pleasure. For Episode 1, we picked up three trappist beers, also known as beers brewed by trappist monks inside monastary walls (not to be confused with abbey beers, which are also brewed by monks, but don't meet the same strict criteria). First up we'll be trying out the Chimay Bleue, followed by the extremely rare/expensive Westvleteren 12 and finally the Koningshoeven La Trappe Quadrupel. All three were really great, but you'll have to listen to find out which one was the best.