
Discover Music Project: Episode 55



Jonny and Taylor return with another "R" episode -- this one is all about Radiohead! In contrast to the Rolling Stones episode, we designed this one as a primer to introduce the band's eclectic output for beginners. Even if you're familiar with the experimental British rock band, this show may introduce you to some unexplored material. Few music groups in the past twenty years are more influential, challenging, or sonically pleasing as Radiohead. Try to count how many times we say "beautiful" through this setlist of glorious songs: 1. Fake Plastic Trees (The Bends) 2. Paranoid Android (OK Computer) 3. Subterranean Homesick Alien (OK Computer) 4. How to Disappear Completely (Kid A) 5. Where I End and You Begin (Hail to the Thief) 6. Everything in Its Right Place (Kid A) 7. Pyramid Song (Amnesiac) 8. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (In Rainbows) 9. House of Cards (In Rainbows) 10. Separator (King of Limbs) 11. High and Dry (The Bends) Encore: Grizzly Bear - "Two Weeks" (Veckatimest)