
FND 18: Cloud's a Dick



It was going to be the Gang of Four this week, but the audio file turned out horribly because two of the cast members were constantly moving between the kitchen and the dining table, talking all the way, so their voices are in a constant state of flux. Such is the risk when using a single microphone to record everything. The moral of the story? Stay in one place, people. That goes for me, too. But fear not! I've muddled together another Canned Episode for your listening pleasure. In this action-packed entry, Nelson, Marcus, and Zach talk about football (because it was still on), basketball, Jurassic Park 4, and Final Fantasy VII--a game Marcus beat, Nelson will never beat, and Zach will never find time to play (oh, the backlog). So enjoy this offering and, yes, I wish Courtney were here too.