
FND 20: Diaper Rash for Adults



Howdy, folks! You can blame the show's extended absence on the fact that Zach was back in the hospital for eight days. Before that, he was sick. After that, he was recovering. That's his story and he's sticking to it! This episode brings us the usual banter, including a lengthy discussion of Quentin Tarantino movies (inspired by Box Office Poison's last Movie of the Month), future TMNT roles for Nicolas Cage, Denny's, Marcus being super drunk at Denny's, and what an excellent actress Megan Fox is. Like the show? How could you not? Comment on the show in the show notes or shoot us an email at! Follow Marcus and Zach on Twitter (@Marchaos1 & @zmiller1902), and while you're at it, rate and review us on iTunes!