
FND 19: Terrible, Terrible French Fries



BECAUSE NOBODY DEMANDED IT. It's a brand-spanking new episode of the Frozen North Dinnercast with the regular crew, back for more auditory abuse. We compare our food to penises, Nelson & Marcus recount a memorable night in California, Zach's evil plans involving Trinidad Scorpions, how much we hate Taylor Swift, and (for some gawdawful reason), The Walking Dead. Apparently everybody on the goddamn planet is yet again obsessed with zombies, but Zach refuses to cave. Just as Nelson and Courtney refuse to jump on the Twitter bandwagon, Zach refuses to give AMC the time of day. Maybe they could release new seasons of Mad Men more than once every TWO YEARS (I'm not bitter). Like the show? How could you not? Profess said love in an email, handwritten, scanned to a PDF, and sent to You can also leave a comment on this very post! We read everything we get, folks, so don't be shy. If you're one of the cool kids, you can follow Marcus (@Marchaos1) and Zach (zmiller1902) on Twitter, because Twit