
Frozen North Dinnercast 21: Preadapted for Alcoholism



This episode of the Frozen North Dinnercast is too big to believe. It's a whopping two hours long, and all 120 minutes that is a complete and utter waste of your time, but you know you want it. Although it wasn't the case when this was recorded, the Frozen North has now thawed, and future episodes may yet take place in outdoor venues. It's a scary time. Many things are discussed, as usual: farting at the office, Seven Psychopaths (some spoilers, kinda), Marcus' beat-ass Saturn, Courtney's obsession with Forrest Gump, and various other...nonesensical things. Hey, you like the show, right? Drop up an email to let us know at, or on Twitter @zmiller1902, @Marchaos1, or even @Crosstawk! Crazy, right? You can also go to the website ( and leave comments on the episode's post. That's just nuts. NUTS! THE FUTURE, PEOPLE! So yeah, do that. And...join us next time, when Marcus says "I'm not wearing any pants."