Leading Liberty



On the first marketing and communications podcast ever created for pro-liberty professionals, you'll learn from the top minds in the freedom movement & digital marketing strategist Jenn Gray whats working (and not working) to change public opinion right now when it comes to activism, political campaigning, fundraising, messaging, social media, mindset, public relations, advertising, networking, recruiting, talent retention, digital marketing, and so much more so you can do YOUR cause the justice it deserves.


  • Raising Kids who Love Liberty with The Tuttle Twins' Connor Boyack

    31/08/2017 Duration: 38min

    It's already hard to get your kids reading these days, but getting them to be interested in the ideas and philosophy behind the ideas of liberty can be even more difficult. With public schools teaching one way of viewing the world on top of the non-stop distraction of life, it's been the prayer of freedom minded parents around the country to finally have something they could get their children to enjoy and learn from. Those prayers for a fun and informative way to bring parents and their kids together has finally been answered thanks to Connor Boyack of the Libertas Institute, who also happens to be the author of the libertarian children's series The Tuttle Twins. We have so much to cover on this episode that will help freedom families nights of fun and wondering around this series. Some of what we'll discuss will focus on: Why one of the freedom movement's most successful marketers almost gave up on Facebook ads. The power of consumer testimonals. How to craft a complicated topic into something kids today c

  • An Activist Judiciary vs. An Activist Jury with AZ Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick

    24/08/2017 Duration: 42min

    It can be frustrating looking for a “win” from the good guys. Far too often we look for big, obvious and life-changing circumstances, but sometimes the good guys do win -- and Clint Bolick is one of those good guys you may or may not have heard about. As the co-founder of the Institute for Justice, Clint knows a thing or two about going toe-to-toe with the government on every level. Now, Clint serves as an Associate Justice on the Arizona Supreme Court, where he has taken his passion for justice and liberty to a whole new level. Clint is both a liberty warrior and a scholar, a thought leader *and* active leader in the field of law and order, and here's what we'll learn from him in this episode of Leading Liberty: Whether judicial activism from the bench is what our Founding Fathers feared What the "Gift Clause" is, and how the Arizona Constitution may be leading the way on some amazing state-level taxpayer protections What’s really going on with the status of Civil Asset Forfeiture reform Whether jury

  • The Blue Republican Revolution for Ron Paul with the Foundation for Economic Education’s Robin Koerner

    17/08/2017 Duration: 50min

    In 2012, thousands of progressives and independents registered as Republicans to support Ron Paul and ended up becoming the largest coalition of his campaign. How in the world did that happen?? It all started with a Huffington Post article by today’s guest, Robin Koerner, who challenged people who love peace to become a “Blue Republican,” just for a year — and the rest is history. But a lot has changed since then, and if we want to get those Blue Republicans and other liberty-curious voters back on our side, we need to understand why we lost them in the first place. So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: What a “Blue Republican” is, what they want, and why it matters   A 2-word sentence starter to help change hearts and minds in political writing   What Trump, Ron Paul, and Bernie Sanders have in common that made them so popular   How we can win back the Ron Paul supporters who defected to Donald Trump   The most important psychology fundamental we need to understand to be mo

  • Using Facebook to Supercharge Your Campaign (Jenn Gray on the How to Run for Office Podcast)

    10/08/2017 Duration: 57min

    We know Facebook can be a powerful tool for campaigns. But using it EFFECTIVELY is tricky, so today’s episode will give you some quick wins you can implement right away. This interview originally aired on the How to Run for Office podcast with Raz Shafer, who wrote: “Each week I get to interview candidates, elected officials and campaign rockstars, discussing everything from Facebook to Block-Walking. But this week is special to me because not only is our guest an incredibly effective campaign operative, but she’s also a long-lost friend from college. Jenn Gray and I first got to know each other while we were attending Hillsdale College and spent some quality time together in a number of economics classes and enjoying more than a few Greek events. Since graduating, Jenn has worked throughout the Libertarian movement, everywhere from development to social media, and made a name for herself as a rockstar in every arena she’s entered. She is a true innovator and has become known, even outside the Libertarian com

  • Overcoming Campaign Chaos with My Campaign Coach’s Raz Shafer

    03/08/2017 Duration: 49min

    If you've ever been involved in a political campaign - whether as a block walker, campaign manager, or even a candidate (or anywhere in between!) - you've probably experienced a certain degree of... campaign chaos. It's hard to anticipate all the challenges coming at us on the campaign trail... and even harder to put future systems in place to solve them when we have fires to put out NOW. I've encountered plenty of these unexpected obstacles lately on Larry Sharpe's campaign, and thankfully, my college-buddy-turned-campaign-coaching-rockstar Raz Shafer came to the epic rescue with some easy solutions for our rapidly growing team. So when I found out he was also an expert at organizing a campaign’s ground game (something I admittedly know nothing about!), I had to bring him on to help our Leading Liberty candidates and community take control of their campaigns, too. So here's what you'll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: The most common ground game mistake liberty candidates make (and what to do inste

  • Engaging New Donors on Fundraising Apps with DonorSee’s Gret Glyer

    27/07/2017 Duration: 47min

    Facebook meets Uber for fundraising? Building community with low-dollar donors (and demonstrating that their support really does make a difference) isn't easy - but now, there's an app for that. It's easier to post a project on DonorSee than a picture on Instagram, and dollar-for-dollar, their results are blowing the Red Cross (and taxpayer-funded foreign aid) out of the water. The government even banned the Peace Corps from using the app, so you know it must be good. But then again, DonorSee CEO Gret Glyer (who also happens to be a libertarian) knew he was starting a revolution, and he expected the resistance. So here's what you'll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: How a 20-something kid built more houses for the homeless in Haiti than the Red Cross (for a minute fraction of the cost) How competition for new donor dollars results in more compelling and impactful projects What you need to know about imagery, social proof, and quantifiable calls to action Why an LLC might be more charitable than

  • Making Peace with the Military with Combat Veteran Marc Sepulveda

    20/07/2017 Duration: 50min

    Why do some factions of the freedom movement seem to have such an ax to grind with the military? Sure, it would be great if we had a war and no one showed up, but back in real life, the military isn't going anywhere... and at least 76 percent of the general public has a favorable view of every branch. Tha's a good thing though, because veterans are natural allies for pro-liberty causes and campaigns. More active duty servicemen and veterans supported Gary Johnson and Ron Paul than any other candidate, and given their personal experience with blowback, they're some of our most credible voices for peace. If we want to win hearts and minds, we need to choose our battles and learn from the messaging mistakes we've made in the past. And that starts with making an effort to understand who we’re talking to and where they're coming from. So here's what you'll learn (from a combat veteran I deeply respect) in this episode of Leading Liberty: How liberty-leaning servicemen reconcile the non-aggression principle with t

  • How to Raise Money with Events and Volunteers with the Libertarian Party’s Jess Mears

    13/07/2017 Duration: 44min

    Raising money is hard. Raising money for Libertarians is even harder. So how can we use the resources we have today to build a stronger base tomorrow? We should never start asking for money if we can’t explain why we need it, how we’re going to spend it, and how much the things we need are going to cost… but once we’ve got that foundation, where do we go from there? As Development Coordinator for the Libertarian National Committee (and Johnson Weld 2016’s Director of Digital Events), Jess Mears has raised a *lot* of money for Libertarian candidates and affiliates, and in this episode of Leading Liberty, she’s condensed over a dozen campaigns worth of experience into 30 minutes of actionable fundraising strategies for her fellow freedom fighters. So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: 3 insider secrets to help determine how much to ask for before you pick up the phone Where to get the data you need to start the fundraising process 4 elements of a successful, memorable event What

  • The Power of Alternative Media (And How to Do It Right) with Being Libertarian’s Nicholas Veser

    06/07/2017 Duration: 47min

    If you had the opportunity to tell your story to the entire liberty movement (and beyond), how would you do it? Capturing the essence of our message in a substantive, entertaining way isn’t easy, but that’s what Nicholas Veser does best. You may know him as the host of Being Libertarian’s “Daily Headline” video segments, but what you may not know is that he also brings his umpteen Telly Awards worth of experience to video marketing pieces for other pro-liberty causes and campaigns. He’s created top-notch storytelling content for several candidates and the Libertarian Party itself, he’s an expert at building brands for liberty, and he’s full of actionable advice to help other freedom fighters get started with video marketing. So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: What super simple equipment you need to DIY a professional-looking video Several specific types of video content to create for your cause or campaign (and what NOT to do on camera) How Being Libertarian grew one of the l

  • How to Get Libertarians Elected (Really) with the Libertarian Leadership Academy’s C Michael Pickens

    29/06/2017 Duration: 48min

    "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." That was Samuel Adams in 1775, and his legacy became the Libertarian Leadership Academy’s mission. Michael Pickens has helped numerous Libertarian candidates achieve local wins and record-breaking vote totals, and in this LIVE interview, he’s telling all on how they did it… and how your campaign can too. So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: Why local wins and community involvement are the most important things we can focus on What we need to reflect on BEFORE we commit to a campaign The key elements of record-breaking Libertarian runs for office The ONE must-read book for Libertarian candidates and activists What you need to create FIRST in order to make a successful ask for a major gift (and where to find an example) What video games and chess have in common with successful Libertarian campaigns Which voters we need to focus on (and where to fi

  • Does the Liberty Movement Need to Lighten Up? with We Are Libertarians’ Chris Spangle

    22/06/2017 Duration: 33min

    Liberty in danger is no laughing matter. Or is it? We Are Libertarians is “treating modern politics with all the irreverence it deserves,” and it’s earned them one of the largest followings in the freedom movement. And what’s really remarkable about their rapidly growing podcast and Facebook page is that the marketing behind them is almost entirely organic (a.k.a. free). So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: How to successfully integrate comedy and current events The pros and cons of growing your audience with a Facebook merger How to become a better speaker if you hate the sound of your own voice The root cause of LP infighting (and how to help the movement move beyond it) How to use Facebook groups and Snapchat to have more fun and build more intimate relationships with your followers And lots more! So on that note, let’s dive into the interview! Resources in this episode: Listen to the top episodes of the We Are Libertarians podcast on the human cost of government regu

  • A Message of Hope and Optimism with Libertarian Candidate and Activist Alex Merced

    15/06/2017 Duration: 34min

    Libertarian ideas don’t sell themselves. Just like any product, liberty needs great marketing and positive messengers, and that’s what this episode is all about. Alex Merced is the founder of the Libertarian Positivity Caucus, the creator of Libertarian Wing Media and the Libertarianism 101 online course, the host of several podcasts, and a candidate for comptroller in New York. He’s also run for public advocate and U.S. Senate, and with that experience comes a really refreshing perspective on how much of a difference we can make in our own communities and personal circles of influence. So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: Why media is so biased against libertarians (and what we can do about it) The biggest branding mistakes libertarians make (and how to fix them) What we need to do FIRST, before we start talking about policy The role of a caucus within a party What a comptroller is and why it’s a perfect window of opportunity for Libertarians How to get people to aspire

  • Mastering Public Relations for Liberty with the Institute for Justice’s John Kramer

    08/06/2017 Duration: 59min

    Even when we lose the battle, we can still win the war. And no one knows that better than the “merry band of libertarian litigators” at the Institute for Justice. If you’ve ever heard the word “Kelo,” you’ve experienced the power of public relations, but what you might not know is the strategy and philosophy of the man behind it. As Vice President of Communications at IJ, John Kramer has directed the media relations for 6 landmark Supreme Court cases (among many others), 5 of which they won in court, and the other of which they absolutely won in the court of public opinion. He brings an unparalleled depth of experience to the pro-liberty PR table, and I’m thrilled to share his 25 years of communication expertise with the Leading Liberty tribe. So here’s what you’ll learn from “freedom’s PR man” in this awesome episode: How to write compelling headlines, op-eds, and press releases that earn the trust of the public and the press The “PhD” philosophy of public relations (and how you can apply it to your own c

  • The Next Chapter for the Libertarian Party with LNC Chairman Nicholas Sarwark

    01/06/2017 Duration: 55min

    The Libertarian Party may have its challenges, but it’s the ONLY party in the United States that’s actually growing. And that’s thanks in large part to Nicholas Sarwark, the chairman of the Libertarian National Committee. He’s a warrior for ballot access, debate inclusion, and candidate recruitment, and after almost 20 years of experience, his vision and perspective on the future of the Libertarian movement are absolutely inspiring (in my humble opinion). So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: How our personal outlook affects our political effectiveness What our 2016 battles for ballot access mean for 2018 and 2020 Which challenges we need to overcome for more independent voters to take us seriously Whether he supports Arvin Vohra’s comments about the military Whom he’d endorse for president in 2020 What the “platinum rule” is and why it matters And lots more! So on that note, let’s dive into the interview! Resources in this episode: Follow Nicholas Sarwark on Facebook G

  • Side Hustle Salesmen for Liberty with Ask a Libertarian’s Jared Miller

    25/05/2017 Duration: 42min

    How much of a difference can you really make with a family and a full-time job? Even if you don’t work at a think tank or have time to run for office, that doesn’t mean you can’t make a valuable contribution to the cause. What the freedom movement needs most right now is more “salesmen,” i.e. better communicators who can start compelling conversations about liberty. And that’s exactly what the volunteer squad over at Ask A Libertarian is all about. Today’s guest is an editor and contributing author on their rapidly growing Facebook page dedicated to helping people understand the principles of liberty, and the more activists who can adopt Jared’s communication mindset, the brighter the future of freedom will be. So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: A 4-word sentence starter to help open the mind of the someone who disagrees with you A powerful mindset shift to make your political conversations more constructive The 2 most common questions people Ask a Libertarian (I think you’ll

  • How Much to Spend on Political or Non-Profit Facebook Ad Campaigns

    18/05/2017 Duration: 27min

    Did you know that donors age 40-59 give online more than any other age group, and that 26 percent do so as a result of a request from another individual on social media? Meanwhile, millennial and Latino voters say they’re more than twice as likely to vote for someone after watching a video, and it only costs about a penny apiece to show them one. Sooo… who wants to knock some digital doors with me?! I’ve used Facebook video ads to kickstart small businesses, raise money for grassroots outreach, and help elect a pro-liberty rockstar to my city council without a single piece of direct mail, to the tune of Campaigns & Elections Reed Award finalist for Best Use of Video on a Social Platform. Which I say not to try to impress you, but to impress *upon* you that video ads are an AMAZING opportunity for the freedom movement to change hearts and minds — and cultivate some new prospects in the process. And the most common question I get, from both political and non-profit pro-liberty causes is, "how much do I need

  • Freeing Minds & Markets with Online Video with Reason TV’s Jim Epstein

    11/05/2017 Duration: 48min

    How did Reason come to be a practically household name within the freedom movement, and what can other pro-liberty non-profits learn from their success? Online video is totally changing people’s first impression of free market ideas, and Reason has attracted a massive following with their short-form documentaries and video editorials. Today’s guest, Jim Epstein, is a writer and producer for Reason TV, and he's been at it with video since before Facebook and YouTube were even a thing, so he knows a thing or two about how to change hearts and minds with video and how it’s evolving as a medium. So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: How to integrate video content with your organization's written work Why Reason's #1 most popular video attracted twice as many viewers as #2 4 best practices to keep in mind to get as much mileage as possible out of your video What to consider when choosing your primary playground on social media The most important element in creating a compelling f

  • Reshaping the Debate (Literally) with Larry Sharpe, Libertarian

    04/05/2017 Duration: 57min

    Will the LP ever break out of the minor party mindset? If it’s true that more Americans identify as independents than as Republicans or Democrats (it is), then what’s it going to take for those voters to start taking a third party seriously? It’s a tough question, and no one has a better answer than Larry Sharpe. Larry was the Libertarian Party’s runner-up for Vice President of the United States in 2016, and he’s still grinding away at helping Libertarians find more effective ways to communicate all our awesome ideas. So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: The biggest mistake Libertarians make when it comes to attracting new friends to the freedom movement How to have a constructive conversation with progressives about healthcare and Social Security How to respond to social conservatives who object to legalization, gay marriage, etc on Biblical grounds The ONE word Libertarians need to stop using A 7-year plan to put Libertarians in control of Congress (really) The 6 people

  • Overcoming Objections to the Adult Use of Marijuana with Law Enforcement Action Partnership’s Diane Goldstein

    27/04/2017 Duration: 51min

    Are we finally on the verge of a breakthrough when it comes to public opinion about prohibition? It's an exciting time to be an activist for criminal justice reform, thanks especially to people like Lieutenant Diane Goldstein, Ret., whose decades of experience on the police force make her case for decriminalization a lot harder for law enforcement to ignore. Diane is a rockstar speaker, board member, and investigative reporter with the Law Enforcement Action Partnership, whose mission is to unite and mobilize the voice of law enforcement in support of drug policy and criminal justice reform. Which means there's a whole network of “good cops” out there we can tap into to back up our own advocacy efforts. So here's what you'll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: What inspired a former narcotics officer to dedicate the rest of her career to criminal justice reform The two-word distinction making a 180-degree difference in how even our unlikely allies respond to the idea of letting adults make their own

  • Finding a Gateway Issue to Agree On with Addiction Activist Melissa Sue Tucker

    20/04/2017 Duration: 45min

    Can we please stop demonizing “the Left”? I know that might be an unpopular stance to take, but the reality is that there are quite a few important issues we agree on, and our friends are a lot more open to our ideas than our enemies. If we want to influence another human being’s perspective, the first step is to understand who we’re talking to and the problems *they* perceive so we can position our people and principles as the solution. And let’s face it; there’s probably a lot we can learn from progressives about persuasion along the way. Despite identifying as a Democrat, and despite the devastating effects of addiction in her own family, Melissa Sue Tucker’s life work is totally aligned with the belief that government isn’t the answer to drug problems, and in this episode, she gives us a behind-the-scenes look at why people who agree with us don’t always vote with us: The ONE thing that influences their perception of a public figure more than the media (spoiler alert: it’s YOU) The 8.5 out of 10 gatewa

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