Leading Liberty

The Blue Republican Revolution for Ron Paul with the Foundation for Economic Education’s Robin Koerner



In 2012, thousands of progressives and independents registered as Republicans to support Ron Paul and ended up becoming the largest coalition of his campaign. How in the world did that happen?? It all started with a Huffington Post article by today’s guest, Robin Koerner, who challenged people who love peace to become a “Blue Republican,” just for a year — and the rest is history. But a lot has changed since then, and if we want to get those Blue Republicans and other liberty-curious voters back on our side, we need to understand why we lost them in the first place. So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: What a “Blue Republican” is, what they want, and why it matters   A 2-word sentence starter to help change hearts and minds in political writing   What Trump, Ron Paul, and Bernie Sanders have in common that made them so popular   How we can win back the Ron Paul supporters who defected to Donald Trump   The most important psychology fundamental we need to understand to be mo