Leading Liberty

Overcoming Objections to the Adult Use of Marijuana with Law Enforcement Action Partnership’s Diane Goldstein



Are we finally on the verge of a breakthrough when it comes to public opinion about prohibition? It's an exciting time to be an activist for criminal justice reform, thanks especially to people like Lieutenant Diane Goldstein, Ret., whose decades of experience on the police force make her case for decriminalization a lot harder for law enforcement to ignore. Diane is a rockstar speaker, board member, and investigative reporter with the Law Enforcement Action Partnership, whose mission is to unite and mobilize the voice of law enforcement in support of drug policy and criminal justice reform. Which means there's a whole network of “good cops” out there we can tap into to back up our own advocacy efforts. So here's what you'll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: What inspired a former narcotics officer to dedicate the rest of her career to criminal justice reform The two-word distinction making a 180-degree difference in how even our unlikely allies respond to the idea of letting adults make their own