Leading Liberty

How Much to Spend on Political or Non-Profit Facebook Ad Campaigns



Did you know that donors age 40-59 give online more than any other age group, and that 26 percent do so as a result of a request from another individual on social media? Meanwhile, millennial and Latino voters say they’re more than twice as likely to vote for someone after watching a video, and it only costs about a penny apiece to show them one. Sooo… who wants to knock some digital doors with me?! I’ve used Facebook video ads to kickstart small businesses, raise money for grassroots outreach, and help elect a pro-liberty rockstar to my city council without a single piece of direct mail, to the tune of Campaigns & Elections Reed Award finalist for Best Use of Video on a Social Platform. Which I say not to try to impress you, but to impress *upon* you that video ads are an AMAZING opportunity for the freedom movement to change hearts and minds — and cultivate some new prospects in the process. And the most common question I get, from both political and non-profit pro-liberty causes is, "how much do I need