Leading Liberty

Overcoming Campaign Chaos with My Campaign Coach’s Raz Shafer



If you've ever been involved in a political campaign - whether as a block walker, campaign manager, or even a candidate (or anywhere in between!) - you've probably experienced a certain degree of... campaign chaos. It's hard to anticipate all the challenges coming at us on the campaign trail... and even harder to put future systems in place to solve them when we have fires to put out NOW. I've encountered plenty of these unexpected obstacles lately on Larry Sharpe's campaign, and thankfully, my college-buddy-turned-campaign-coaching-rockstar Raz Shafer came to the epic rescue with some easy solutions for our rapidly growing team. So when I found out he was also an expert at organizing a campaign’s ground game (something I admittedly know nothing about!), I had to bring him on to help our Leading Liberty candidates and community take control of their campaigns, too. So here's what you'll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: The most common ground game mistake liberty candidates make (and what to do inste