Leading Liberty

Finding a Gateway Issue to Agree On with Addiction Activist Melissa Sue Tucker



Can we please stop demonizing “the Left”? I know that might be an unpopular stance to take, but the reality is that there are quite a few important issues we agree on, and our friends are a lot more open to our ideas than our enemies. If we want to influence another human being’s perspective, the first step is to understand who we’re talking to and the problems *they* perceive so we can position our people and principles as the solution. And let’s face it; there’s probably a lot we can learn from progressives about persuasion along the way. Despite identifying as a Democrat, and despite the devastating effects of addiction in her own family, Melissa Sue Tucker’s life work is totally aligned with the belief that government isn’t the answer to drug problems, and in this episode, she gives us a behind-the-scenes look at why people who agree with us don’t always vote with us: The ONE thing that influences their perception of a public figure more than the media (spoiler alert: it’s YOU) The 8.5 out of 10 gatewa