Leading Liberty

Engaging New Donors on Fundraising Apps with DonorSee’s Gret Glyer



Facebook meets Uber for fundraising? Building community with low-dollar donors (and demonstrating that their support really does make a difference) isn't easy - but now, there's an app for that. It's easier to post a project on DonorSee than a picture on Instagram, and dollar-for-dollar, their results are blowing the Red Cross (and taxpayer-funded foreign aid) out of the water. The government even banned the Peace Corps from using the app, so you know it must be good. But then again, DonorSee CEO Gret Glyer (who also happens to be a libertarian) knew he was starting a revolution, and he expected the resistance. So here's what you'll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: How a 20-something kid built more houses for the homeless in Haiti than the Red Cross (for a minute fraction of the cost) How competition for new donor dollars results in more compelling and impactful projects What you need to know about imagery, social proof, and quantifiable calls to action Why an LLC might be more charitable than