Leading Liberty

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 35:28:37
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On the first marketing and communications podcast ever created for pro-liberty professionals, you'll learn from the top minds in the freedom movement & digital marketing strategist Jenn Gray whats working (and not working) to change public opinion right now when it comes to activism, political campaigning, fundraising, messaging, social media, mindset, public relations, advertising, networking, recruiting, talent retention, digital marketing, and so much more so you can do YOUR cause the justice it deserves.


  • Building an Email List with Content Marketing with DonorsTrust’s Peter Lipsett

    13/04/2017 Duration: 49min

    Sign up for a newsletter? Ain’t nobody got time for that! Our best prospects - our website visitors - are getting away, and if we ignore the fact that donors between the age of 40 and 59 give online more than any other age group, we’re leaving a lot of money on the table. If we want people to give, we need to go first, and the easiest way to do that is with a digital giveaway that solves a problem *they* perceive… in exchange for an email address. This is common practice in the marketing space, but in the freedom movement, not so much. Except at DonorsTrust, which is why I’m SO excited to share how their Director of Growth Strategies Peter Lipsett is turning website visitors into prospective clients — and how other pro-liberty organizations can do it, too. So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: The difference between billboard marketing vs. content marketing — and why it matters How DonorsTrust built half of its email list with a free PDF How basic email segmentation can trigger

  • Winning on Social Media with City Councilman Mark Stewart

    06/04/2017 Duration: 33min

    Is the paradigm shifting when it comes to campaign communications? If our last election was any indicator, digital outreach is disrupting the status quo in a major way, and no one knows that better than City Councilman Mark Stewart. Mark broke the mold when he won his election without a single piece of direct mail -- on half the budget of his 16-mailer establishment opponent. Now in all fairness, I may be slightly biased here because I had the privilege of working on Mark's campaign, which was a finalist for Campaigns and Elections magazine's award for Best Use of Video on a Social Platform. So here's what you'll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty, recorded in person at Chandler City Hall: 3 things 21st-century campaigns can do instead of direct mail The #1 most important element of a successful campaign The 2 types of video content voters like the most The ONE question prospective candidates need to ask themselves to nail their messaging What voters need to understand to influence their repres

  • Reconnecting Voters and Elected Officials with Campaign Fundraising Strategist Tysen Schlink

    30/03/2017 Duration: 57min

    When was the last time you heard from someone you voted for? What’s up with that, and what can we do to help elected officials and prospective candidates do a better job of earning (and keeping) our trust? After raising millions of dollars for dozens of pro-liberty causes and campaigns, Tysen Schlink started pioneering a pretty awesome, replicable idea to do just that (in the only state that isn’t subsidizing it at taxpayer expense). And by “just that,” I mean, build a digital infrastructure BEFORE running for office and then raise money for ongoing constituent communications AFTER election day. So here’s what you’ll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty: The 3 pieces of digital infrastructure prospective candidates must have BEFORE they run for office The single most cost effective way to get your message in front of prospective voters and donors once you START your campaign Which metrics actually matter when it comes to message testing What a franking account is and 4 ways new representatives can

  • Active Activism and Cultivating a Growth Mindset with Young Americans for Liberty's Ty Hicks

    23/03/2017 Duration: 52min

    How is it that a group of college kids is rounding up more pro-liberty activists than the Libertarian Party, and how can the rest of us have what they're having?   The guy you're about to hear from summed it up in one word at the Students for Liberty conference last month, and I couldn't have agreed more, which is why I'm so excited to share this best-kept secret with you, too. (Spoiler alert: it's MINDSET!)   Ty Hicks is the Executive Vice President of Young Americans for Liberty, where he's trained thousands of people on leadership and influence -- and overseen a 34% increase in YAL's membership and a 79% increase in their network activity along the way.   Needless to say, that's incredible. And in this interview, he's spilling the beans on how they did it.   So here's what you'll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty:   >> How an empty booth can be the best way to recruit at events   >> The ONE thing every YAL chapter does in the first 24 hours that's blown up their network activity 79%   >> The disemp

  • Marketing the Freedom Movement to Non-Libertarians

    21/03/2017 Duration: 08min

    People are more open than ever to pro-liberty ideas. The problem (part of it, anyway) is that as a movement, we tend to be a lot better at wonking out on policy and criticizing people who disagree with us than we are at attracting new friends of freedom and winning them over as advocates for the liberty brand.   The good news though, is that there are so many phenomenal leaders out there changing the way people experience the freedom movement in some small way, that replicating those little shifts and strategies on a larger scale could have a huge impact on public opinion.    That’s why we created Leading Liberty, and in this quick welcome episode, you’ll learn what interviews and ideas are on deck for you in the first marketing and communication podcast ever created for pro-liberty professionals — so you can do your cause the justice it deserves.   For more after show, visit the free Leading Liberty Mastermind to connect with other pro-liberty leaders and share what’s working for your cause or campaign!

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