Leading Liberty

Active Activism and Cultivating a Growth Mindset with Young Americans for Liberty's Ty Hicks



How is it that a group of college kids is rounding up more pro-liberty activists than the Libertarian Party, and how can the rest of us have what they're having?   The guy you're about to hear from summed it up in one word at the Students for Liberty conference last month, and I couldn't have agreed more, which is why I'm so excited to share this best-kept secret with you, too. (Spoiler alert: it's MINDSET!)   Ty Hicks is the Executive Vice President of Young Americans for Liberty, where he's trained thousands of people on leadership and influence -- and overseen a 34% increase in YAL's membership and a 79% increase in their network activity along the way.   Needless to say, that's incredible. And in this interview, he's spilling the beans on how they did it.   So here's what you'll learn in this episode of Leading Liberty:   >> How an empty booth can be the best way to recruit at events   >> The ONE thing every YAL chapter does in the first 24 hours that's blown up their network activity 79%   >> The disemp