Zion News



ILTVs Zion News main daily broadcast. Bringing you the real Israel.


  • Anti-Semitic Incidents Have Increased Worldwide | 5/1/19

    02/05/2019 Duration: 25min

    Yom Hashoah begins Wednesday night Series of national; local events scheduled through Wednesday & Thursday #YOMHASHOA #HOLOCAUST __________________ PM meets torch lighters before Yad Vashem event 6 torch lighters chosen to honor memory of millions who died in the Holocaust #BIBI #YADVASHEM ____________________ Sr. Israeli; polish officials skip Holocaust march US sends eight-person delegation to annual march of the living ceremony #USA #MARCHOFTHELIVING ___________________ ADL releases 2018 audit of us Anti-SemitismOverall numbers are down; but dangerous trends are on the rise#ADL #ANTISEMITISM ___________________ Anti-Semitic incidents worldwide up 13% in 2018Despite rising rate of attacks, immigration to Israel remains constant, to discuss are Ziv Maor, Chairman of Israel Media Watch and Dr. Elana Heideman, Executive Director of the Israel Forever Foundation  #ANTISEMITISM #ATTACKS  __________________ Protesters gather outside NY times officeOver 100 demonstrators call out pub

  • Overnight Rocket Just Misses Israel | 4/30/19

    01/05/2019 Duration: 24min

    Islamic Jihad Fires Rocket At Israel From Gaza A rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel Monday night, landing just off the Israeli coast in the Mediterranean Sea. #ROCKET #GAZA ____________________ Muslim Brotherhood To Be Declared A Terror Org? Dr. Martin Sherman, The Founder & Executive Director of The IISS joins us in the studio to speak about President Trump declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.  #MUSLIMBROTHERHOOD #TERRORIST __________________ Mourners Bid Farewell To Lori Gilbert-Kaye Friends and family said their final goodbyes on Monday, to Lori Gilbert Kaye, who tragically lost her life in a shooting that devastated the peaceful community of Poway, California. #PROPAGANDA #ANTISEMITISM ____________________ 4. Poway Shooter’s Family Condemns John Ernest It seems that the Poway shooter’s family has denounced 19-year-old shooter, John Earnest who will likely spend the rest of his life behind bars.  #JOHNERNEST #DENOUNCED ____________

  • West Bank Falls Deeper Into Chaos | 4/29/19

    30/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    Israeli tour group comes under fire in West BankIDF returns fire on 2 Palestinian suspects–one is injured; the other is on the run #ATTACK #WESTBANK __________________ AG tells pm to pick up legal docs or else Mandelblit threatens to cancel pre-indictment hearings and go straight to trial  #MADELBLIT #BIBI ____________________ Israeli PM; FM discuss financial crisis in the PAWest Bank falls deeper into chaos as Ramallah continues to reject tax benefits #BIBI #WESTBANK ___________________ Israeli PM; FM discuss financial crisis in the PADr. Martin Sherman, founder & executive director of the IISS in the ILTV studio speaking about the West Bank falling deeper into chaos as Ramallah continues to reject tax benefits#ISRAEL #PA ___________________ In Poway aftermath, community comes together Gofundme campaign launches to aid victims; shooter facing murder charges#POWAY #SHOOTING __________________ New York Times apologizes for Antisemitic cartoon Times columnist Bret Stephens decri

  • New York Times Anti-Semetic Cartoon Causes Outrage | 4/28/19

    29/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    1 Dead, 3 Wounded in San Diego Synagogue ShootingThe usually tranquil town of Poway, California is now reeling from a tragic shooting at its Chabad synagogue on Saturday that left one woman dead and three others injured. #SANDIEGO #SHOOTING ____________________ Anti-Semitic NYT Cartoon Draws Outrage The New York Times is apologizing now; after publishing an Anti-Semitic cartoon in its international edition this weekend–perfectly exemplifying the type of media that encourages attacks like the ones in Pittsburgh and California this weekend. #NYTIMES #CARTOON __________________ Anti-Semitic NYT Cartoon Draws Outrage Dr. Martin Sherman, The Founder & Executive Director of The IISS joins us in the studio to speak about the New York Times’ recently published and rescinded Anti-Semitic cartoon.  #PROPAGANDA #ANTISEMITISM ____________________ 4. Hamas Turns to Bitcoin It seems that the Palestinian terror group, Hamas, is now increasing it’s funding via bitcoin donations, in addit

  • Golan Town Named After Trump | 4/24/19

    25/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    2/3 Voters want coalition without Haredi partiesMajority of public want compromises on issues of religion & state; new poll reveals #POLITICS #ISRAEL __________________ Meretz leader looks to fight ‘Chametz Bill’Tamar Zandberg draws up new plans to limit religious coercion #TAMARZANDBERG #HAMETZ ____________________ Avi Nissenkorn appointed chairman of Blue & White Meanwhile, Gantz vows to ensure PM Netanyahu will face criminal prosecution #BLUEANDWHITE #AVINISSENKORN ___________________ Switzerland spends millions on Anti-Israel lawfareBen-Dror Yemini, Israeli journalist & author of ‘Industry of Lies’ in the ILTV studio speaking about the new report findings by researchers at NGO monitor, that they say ‘demand immediate attention’ #BEN-DRORYEMINI #SWISS ___________________ Hamas recruits discovered in PA security forcesPalestinian concerns of pending Hamas coup in west bank are not just paranoia #HAMAS #WESTBANK ___________________ Poland to in

  • US to Create New Program with Iranian Oil? | 4/23/19

    24/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    US Ends Waiver Program for Iranian Oilthe US may now be considering drafting a new deal with Iran after it pulled out of the JCPOA last year. #IRAN #OIL ____________________ US Offers $10-Mil for Info On Hezbollah’s FinancesThe United States is also now for the first time ever offering up to 10 million dollars in rewards for any information that could lead to the interruption of Hezbollah’s finances. #HEZBOLLAH #USA ____________________ Washington Ups Sanctions On Iran; Iranian Proxies Dr. Martin Sherman, The Founder & Executive Director of The IISS joins us in the studio to speak about the question looming over these latest actions of the United States’ sanctions on Iran and the Iranian regime’s proxies like terror group Hezbollah: Do these sanctions really even have a chance of being effective? #SANCTIONS #IRAN __________________ PM Allegedly Orchestrated Arab Voter IntimidationThe saga of alleged elections tampering and voter fraud continues as a Channel 13 report Mon

  • Egypt to Vote for President | 4/21/19

    22/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    Over 130 Dead; 560+ Injured In Sri Lanka Bombings Rivlin sends condolences to victims & wishes speedy recovery to the injured #SRILANKA #RIVLIN __________________ Nasrallah Warns Of Summer War With Israel Meanwhile, France tells Lebanon: ‘Israel won’t tolerate missile factories’ #NASRALLAH #LEBANON ____________________ French Envoy Skeptical Of Us Peace PlanSays plan will force Palestinians to choose between “surrender or suicide” #FRANCE #LEBANON ___________________ Palestinians Continue Weekend Border Violence Israeli forces strike Hamas positions; thwart attempted stabbing terror attack #ISRAEL #HAMAS ___________________ Arab League Debates Us Peace Plan In CairoDr. Mordechai Kedar, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University and Dr. Martin Sherman, founder & executive director of the IISS in the ILTV studio speaking about how the question of Palestinian statehood fails to remain Arab nations’ top priority#MORDECHAIKEDAR #MARTINSHE

  • New Peace Plan in June? | 4/18/19

    19/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    Rivlin Taps Netanyahu As Next Prime MinisterNetanyahu now has up to 42 days to form the government’s ruling coalition #RIVLIN #BIBI __________________ US Peace Plan To Be Rolled Out In JunePA is almost certain to reject plan that is rumored to favor a one-state solution #USPEACEPLAN #ONESTATESOLUTION ____________________ Iran threatens to act ‘only against the Zionists’Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder & Executive Director of the IISS in the ILTV studio speaking about Iran threatening to act ‘only against the Zionists’ #IRAN #ZIONISTS ___________________ France holds int’l contest to rebuild Notre Dame Winning design entry may or may not include plans for rebuilding iconic spire #FRANCE #NOTREDAME ___________________ Small Fire Extinguished At Al Aqsa Mosque Jordanian WAQF officials blame careless children’s play for the blaze #ALAQSA #WAQF ___________________ Russia Denies Recovering Eli Cohen’s RemainsFM warns Israeli press to be ‘more acc

  • New Map of Israel Realeased | 4/17/18

    18/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    Likud loses seat to religious UTJ in final countHaredi conscription debate now threatens the coalition more than ever before #LIKUD #RIVLIN __________________ Bennett admits fault in defeatNaphtali Bensimon, Likud Party in the ILTV studio speaking about critics slamming ‘new right’ party for arbitrarily splitting the right-wing vote #NAPHTALIBENSIMON #LIKUD ____________________ Egypt soon expected to extend presidential powersCritics blast new referendum as giving into authoritarian, dictator-like rule #EGYPT #SISI ___________________ PA officials fear a Hamas coup in the West Bank Hamas is allegedly buying officials’ loyalties amidst severe economic strife #PA #WESTBANK ___________________ WH meet with Jewish officials draws controversyEU; heads of ‘progressive’ streams of Judaism are tense ahead of coming peace plan #WHITEHOUSE #JEWISHAMERICANS ___________________ US releases new map of Israel including the GolanControl over Jerusalem & the Lebanese borde

  • Notre Dame Fire | 4/16/19

    17/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    400 Firefighters Extinguish Notre Dame Fire Bystanders looked on with grief and anguish as firefighters feverishly attempted to extinguish the blaze that devastated Paris’ famous Notre Dame Cathedral on Monday. #NOTREDAME #FIRE __________________ 2.Iran Reports Massive Losses Under US SanctionsIt’s been a day now since the US’ designation of the IRGC as a terror group officially went into effect. And with this, in addition to the re-implementation of certain us sanctions on the Islamic Regime, Iran is definitely feeling the heat. #US #IRAN ____________________ 3. IRGC Terror Branding Goes Into Effect Martin Sherman, Founder & Executive Director Of The IISS joins us in the studio to speak about the IRGC’S new designation as a terror group. #IRGC #TERRORISTS ___________________ Lieberman, Orthodox Parties Spar Over Draft Bill Marathon coalition talks continue now into their second day as President Reuven Rivlin met with party leaders to hear who they recommend to lead the cou

  • What Happened Today in History? | 4/15/19

    16/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    Coalition talks kick off MondayPresident Rivlin is likely to ask Netanyahu to form 21st government #NETANYAHU #RIVLIN __________________ Coalition talks kick off MondayZohar Tal, political analyst; Chairman of "Oz - Zionist Foundation" in the ILTV studio speaking about the challenges of forming the 21st Knesset coalition #ZOHARTAL #ILTV ____________________ A new day for Shaked, Meretz & labourNew right #2 maybe considering joining Likud; Meretz & Labour contemplate merger #ELECTIONS #SHAKED ___________________ US peace plan unlikely to include PA statehoodThe newly inaugurated PA council is bracing for the release of the much-anticipated US ‘deal of the century’. #USPEACEPLAN #PA ___________________ Iran reports massive losses under US sanctionsSecular & economically driven protesters turn Islamic regime inside-out #IRAN #US ___________________ Israel reportedly hits Iranian army base in Syria Two Iranian militants are killed and several others are injured in the exp

  • What Comes Next? | 4/12/19

    12/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    Trump; Modi Call To Congratulate Netanyahu Although he declared victory Tuesday night, reality came crashing down on blue and white leader Benny Gantz who conceded his defeat on Wednesday. #ELECTIONS2019 #BENNYGANTZ __________________ 2. Election 2019 Aftermath - What Comes Next? Political experts across the country are trying to make sense of Tuesday’s results and we’re already seeing a few trends forming. the biggest one? don’t ever underestimate Binyamin Netanyahu. #ELECTIONS2019 #BIBI ____________________ 3. PM Likely To Give Into Religious Parties’ Demands The religious UTJ and Shas parties will now have 16 seats, or 8 mandates each; in the upcoming Knesset.  #ELECTIONS2019 #RELIGIOUSPARTIES ___________________ Election 2019 AftermathRabbi Dov Lipman, Former MK and Member of Yesh Atid Party and Davidi Hermelin, The President Of The Int’l Center For Public Diplomacy In Israel join us in the studio to help us break down the final election results. #ELECTIONS2019

  • 2019 Elections Come to a Close | 4/10/19

    11/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    Israel Elections 2019 come to a closeWith over 97% of votes tallied; Netanyahu & Right-Wing parties seem victorious #ELECTIONS #ISRAEL __________________ Gantz; Bennett remain hopeful despite results Incumbent Likud party begins campaigning for PM Netanyahu’s innocence #GANTZ #BENNETT ____________________ 3 Israel Elections 2019 come to a closeAdv. Simcha Rothman, legal advisor; Meshilut in the ILTV studios to talk about the apparent Likud victory. #SIMCHAROTMAN #LIKUD __________________ Israelis react to preliminary elections resultsCitizens of the Jewish state report mixed feelings on the morning after the vote #ISRAELIS #OPINTION ___________________ Several parties face surprising defeatZehut, New Right, and Otzma Yehudit may fail to make it into the next Knesset #ZEHUT #NEWRIGHT ___________________ Fewer Women MKS will serve in next KnessetOnly 28 women are predicted to join the upcoming session; down from 33 #WOMEN #POLITICS ___________________ Arab-Israelis accuse Likud of us

  • Ceasefire Talks with Hamas Break Down | 4/7/19

    08/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    Trump made “quickie” decision in recognizing Golan US President Donald Trump, told the republican national coalition over the weekend, that his decision to recognize Israeli control over the Golan heights was made after just a “quickie” briefing. #TRUMP #GOLANHEIGHTS __________________ Netanyahu vows to annex West Bank settlements Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Israeli media on Saturday that he would annex all Israeli settlements in the West Bank should he get re-elected.  #BIBI #SETTLEMENTS ____________________ Netanyahu vows to annex West Bank settlements Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder & Executive Director of the IISS in the ILTV studio to discuss Netanyahu’s plans to annex Israeli settlements, should he win in elections on Tuesday #BIBI #MARTINSHERMAN ___________________ Ceasefire talks with Hamas seemingly break downCeasefire talks with Hamas are breaking down as expected #CEASEFIRE #GAZA ___________________ Lindsey Graham proposes defense pact wi

  • Netanyahu Heads to Moscow | 4/4/19

    05/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    Body of Zachary Baumel returned after 37 yrs The Baumel family finally got some closure on Wednesday evening as Sgt. first class Zachary Baumel’s remains were returned at long last. #BAUMEL #MIA __________________ Netanyahu heads to Moscow for meetings with Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin has now revealed that Russian troops indeed helped recover the body of IDF Sgt. Zachary Baumel alongside Syrian troops. #ISRAEL #RUSSIA ____________________ Netanyahu heads to Moscow for meetings with Putin Baumel’s return: coincidental timing, or calculated reveal ahead of elections?  Zeev Levin, head of Eurasian Research Unit at the harry s. Truman institute is in ILTV studios to discuss. #BIBI #PUTIN ___________________ Netanyahu: reclaiming Gaza an option Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may be willing to retake control of Gaza as a last resort to Hamas’ ongoing aggression. #GAZA #ISRAEL ___________________ AG: ‘no evidence linking Likud to twitter bots’Prime Mini

  • The Future Between Israel and Brazil | 4/3/19

    04/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    President of Brazil finishes 4-day Israel-visitBrazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is now finishing up his 4-day trip to Israel #BOLSONARO #BRAZIL __________________ A sign of things to come?Amb. Yosef Livne, former Israeli Ambassador to New Zealand in the ILTV studio speaking about how new Israel-Brazil relations will set the bar for future ties to South America #YOSEFLIVNE #SOUTHAMERICA ____________________ Families of abductees frustrated by Hamas demands Hamas posted a sinister tweet of IDF soldiers captured in Gaza, with a caption reading that the families will only see “their sons if they accept the terms of the” so-called “resistance.” #HAMAS #TERROR ___________________ Pressure rises on Lapid to give up rotation deal Senior members within the Blue and White unity party are now pressuring Yesh Atid-leader and Blue-and-White #2, Yair Lapid to drop his rotation agreement with Gantz #LAPID #GANTZ ___________________ Gantz; Bibi are neck & neck as elections loo

  • Israel Decides 2019 | 4/2/19

    03/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    ‘Bot Network’ Discovered In Support Of Netanyahu A new report is now alleging that a network of hundreds of fake Twitter accounts attempting to influence the vote has been discovered. And the newly published findings go on to point the finger at the Likud party and Prime Minister Netanyahu. #Twitter #Netanyahu ____________________ Israel Decides 2019 Making sense of the Israeli elections - the United Right Party List. #Elections #Knesset ___________________ Israel Decides 2019 Making sense of the Israeli elections - Hayamin Hachadash, or the new right party. #Elections #Israel ___________________ Israel Opens Embassy In Rwanda Amb. Avi Granot, former head of the African Division; Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaking at ILTV studio about Israel's new mission in efforts to establish ties with Africa. #AviGranot #Africa ___________________ Hezbollah Builds Missile Factory In Beirut It’s just been revealed that Iranian terror proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah, has built a new precision-

  • New York Calls for State of Emergency | 3/27/19

    28/03/2019 Duration: 24min

    Iran Ordered Monday Morning Missile Strike Hamas & Egyptian officials confirm that Iran told Palestinian Islamic Jihad group to launch the rocket that landed on a central #Israeli home on Monday morning. #Hamas #Iran __________________ Monday Rocket Falls Near Danny Danon’s Home Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon addressed the UN Security Council demanding them to recognize Hamas as a terror organization. #DannyDanon #Hamas ____________________ Iran Ordered Monday Morning Missile Strike Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder & Executive Director of the IISS, speaking at ILTV studio about the ongoing escalations around Gaza. #MartinSherman #Gaza ___________________ Int’l Community Rejects US Recognition Of Golan Syria is demanding that the UN Security Council hold an emergency meeting on President Trump’s recognition of the Israeli Golan, as Israeli. #Syria #Golan ___________________ Bibi Hits Back At Israel’s Critics At AIPAC Speaking live via satellite, Israeli PM Netanyahu

  • US Extends E-2 Visa Programs | 3/26/19

    27/03/2019 Duration: 24min

    IDF Responds To Hamas Rocket Fire Overnight Despite various reports of a ceasefire, Hamas militants continued to fire at least 60 rockets overnight Tuesday, into southern Israeli communities. This, after Israel began retaliatory strikes Monday evening in response to a long range J80 missile that was fired into central Israel. #Gaza #IDF __________________ IDF Responds To Hamas Rocket Fire Overnight Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University speaking via Skype about the overnight escalation with Gaza. #MordechaiKedar #Gaza ____________________ 7 Year Old Boy Shot In West Bank Attack A seven-year-old boy was lightly wounded by gunfire in the West Bank settlement of Beit El after shots were fired from the Arab village of Jalazone a mere 1km away. #WestBank #Attack ___________________ US Officially Recognizes Israeli Control In Golan As far as the US is concerned, the Golan Heights belongs to Israel. US President Donald Trump officially signed the proclamation o

  • How to Stop Rockets | Guest: Dr. Martin Sherman | 3/25/19

    26/03/2019 Duration: 24min

    Israel’s Center Struck by Rocket Attack, 7 Injured Central Israel was rocked to its core early Monday morning as a rocket attack struck a private home near Kfar Saba; and as of roughly 6pm Monday evening, the IDF indeed began a series of heavy airstrikes against Hamas targets across the strip. Additionally, in the Israeli communities surrounding the strip roads, schools and activities have all been suspended, while bomb shelters have opened.  #ROCKET #GAZASTRIP __________________ 2. How to Stop the Rockets; “Accidental” or Not Dr. Martin Sherman, The Founder & Executive Director of the IISS joins us in the studio to speak about the recent rocket attack from the Gaza Strip this morning and the potential actions ahead. #MARTINSHERMAN #GAZASTRIP ____________________ 3. Hamas Prisoners Riot; Two IPS Officers Injured Two Israeli guards from the Ketziot prison, and five inmates were hospitalized Sunday night after Hamas terrorist security prisoners started a riot. A total of 14 wer

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