Zion News

Ceasefire Talks with Hamas Break Down | 4/7/19



Trump made “quickie” decision in recognizing Golan US President Donald Trump, told the republican national coalition over the weekend, that his decision to recognize Israeli control over the Golan heights was made after just a “quickie” briefing. #TRUMP #GOLANHEIGHTS __________________ Netanyahu vows to annex West Bank settlements Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Israeli media on Saturday that he would annex all Israeli settlements in the West Bank should he get re-elected.  #BIBI #SETTLEMENTS ____________________ Netanyahu vows to annex West Bank settlements Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder & Executive Director of the IISS in the ILTV studio to discuss Netanyahu’s plans to annex Israeli settlements, should he win in elections on Tuesday #BIBI #MARTINSHERMAN ___________________ Ceasefire talks with Hamas seemingly break downCeasefire talks with Hamas are breaking down as expected #CEASEFIRE #GAZA ___________________ Lindsey Graham proposes defense pact wi