Zion News

Israel Decides 2019 | 4/2/19



‘Bot Network’ Discovered In Support Of Netanyahu A new report is now alleging that a network of hundreds of fake Twitter accounts attempting to influence the vote has been discovered. And the newly published findings go on to point the finger at the Likud party and Prime Minister Netanyahu. #Twitter #Netanyahu ____________________ Israel Decides 2019 Making sense of the Israeli elections - the United Right Party List. #Elections #Knesset ___________________ Israel Decides 2019 Making sense of the Israeli elections - Hayamin Hachadash, or the new right party. #Elections #Israel ___________________ Israel Opens Embassy In Rwanda Amb. Avi Granot, former head of the African Division; Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaking at ILTV studio about Israel's new mission in efforts to establish ties with Africa. #AviGranot #Africa ___________________ Hezbollah Builds Missile Factory In Beirut It’s just been revealed that Iranian terror proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah, has built a new precision-