Zion News

Egypt to Vote for President | 4/21/19



Over 130 Dead; 560+ Injured In Sri Lanka Bombings Rivlin sends condolences to victims & wishes speedy recovery to the injured #SRILANKA #RIVLIN __________________ Nasrallah Warns Of Summer War With Israel Meanwhile, France tells Lebanon: ‘Israel won’t tolerate missile factories’ #NASRALLAH #LEBANON ____________________ French Envoy Skeptical Of Us Peace PlanSays plan will force Palestinians to choose between “surrender or suicide” #FRANCE #LEBANON ___________________ Palestinians Continue Weekend Border Violence Israeli forces strike Hamas positions; thwart attempted stabbing terror attack #ISRAEL #HAMAS ___________________ Arab League Debates Us Peace Plan In CairoDr. Mordechai Kedar, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University and Dr. Martin Sherman, founder & executive director of the IISS in the ILTV studio speaking about how the question of Palestinian statehood fails to remain Arab nations’ top priority#MORDECHAIKEDAR #MARTINSHE