Zion News

US Extends E-2 Visa Programs | 3/26/19



IDF Responds To Hamas Rocket Fire Overnight Despite various reports of a ceasefire, Hamas militants continued to fire at least 60 rockets overnight Tuesday, into southern Israeli communities. This, after Israel began retaliatory strikes Monday evening in response to a long range J80 missile that was fired into central Israel. #Gaza #IDF __________________ IDF Responds To Hamas Rocket Fire Overnight Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University speaking via Skype about the overnight escalation with Gaza. #MordechaiKedar #Gaza ____________________ 7 Year Old Boy Shot In West Bank Attack A seven-year-old boy was lightly wounded by gunfire in the West Bank settlement of Beit El after shots were fired from the Arab village of Jalazone a mere 1km away. #WestBank #Attack ___________________ US Officially Recognizes Israeli Control In Golan As far as the US is concerned, the Golan Heights belongs to Israel. US President Donald Trump officially signed the proclamation o