Zion News

What Comes Next? | 4/12/19



Trump; Modi Call To Congratulate Netanyahu Although he declared victory Tuesday night, reality came crashing down on blue and white leader Benny Gantz who conceded his defeat on Wednesday. #ELECTIONS2019 #BENNYGANTZ __________________ 2. Election 2019 Aftermath - What Comes Next? Political experts across the country are trying to make sense of Tuesday’s results and we’re already seeing a few trends forming. the biggest one? don’t ever underestimate Binyamin Netanyahu. #ELECTIONS2019 #BIBI ____________________ 3. PM Likely To Give Into Religious Parties’ Demands The religious UTJ and Shas parties will now have 16 seats, or 8 mandates each; in the upcoming Knesset.  #ELECTIONS2019 #RELIGIOUSPARTIES ___________________ Election 2019 AftermathRabbi Dov Lipman, Former MK and Member of Yesh Atid Party and Davidi Hermelin, The President Of The Int’l Center For Public Diplomacy In Israel join us in the studio to help us break down the final election results. #ELECTIONS2019