Zion News

New York Calls for State of Emergency | 3/27/19



Iran Ordered Monday Morning Missile Strike Hamas & Egyptian officials confirm that Iran told Palestinian Islamic Jihad group to launch the rocket that landed on a central #Israeli home on Monday morning. #Hamas #Iran __________________ Monday Rocket Falls Near Danny Danon’s Home Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon addressed the UN Security Council demanding them to recognize Hamas as a terror organization. #DannyDanon #Hamas ____________________ Iran Ordered Monday Morning Missile Strike Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder & Executive Director of the IISS, speaking at ILTV studio about the ongoing escalations around Gaza. #MartinSherman #Gaza ___________________ Int’l Community Rejects US Recognition Of Golan Syria is demanding that the UN Security Council hold an emergency meeting on President Trump’s recognition of the Israeli Golan, as Israeli. #Syria #Golan ___________________ Bibi Hits Back At Israel’s Critics At AIPAC Speaking live via satellite, Israeli PM Netanyahu