Zion News

How to Stop Rockets | Guest: Dr. Martin Sherman | 3/25/19



Israel’s Center Struck by Rocket Attack, 7 Injured Central Israel was rocked to its core early Monday morning as a rocket attack struck a private home near Kfar Saba; and as of roughly 6pm Monday evening, the IDF indeed began a series of heavy airstrikes against Hamas targets across the strip. Additionally, in the Israeli communities surrounding the strip roads, schools and activities have all been suspended, while bomb shelters have opened.  #ROCKET #GAZASTRIP __________________ 2. How to Stop the Rockets; “Accidental” or Not Dr. Martin Sherman, The Founder & Executive Director of the IISS joins us in the studio to speak about the recent rocket attack from the Gaza Strip this morning and the potential actions ahead. #MARTINSHERMAN #GAZASTRIP ____________________ 3. Hamas Prisoners Riot; Two IPS Officers Injured Two Israeli guards from the Ketziot prison, and five inmates were hospitalized Sunday night after Hamas terrorist security prisoners started a riot. A total of 14 wer